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Re: [ontolog-forum] The Relation Between Logic and Ontology inMetaphysic

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 16:21:14 -0500
Message-id: <884CC187-B80C-4F0A-94B8-20AEEC72470C@xxxxxxxx>
> What might be nice (but possibly impossible) is to agree on some  
> frame of
> reference or common definitions of the terms used in this thread  
> and others.
> Without such, I fear this community will be doomed to argue the  
> very basic
> tenets of ontology without arriving at consensus.    (01)

I whole-heartedly agree.  The thing is, the frame of reference in  
which those terms are defined is settled and fixed, namely,  
mathematical logic.  There should be no issue of their meanings in a  
mature community devoted to ontological engineering.  Knowledge of  
basic mathematical logic -- minimally: formal languages, model  
theory, proof theory -- is as fundamental to ontological engineering  
as the calculus is to electrical engineering, and no one can be  
considered a serious practitioner of the discipline without it.    (02)

Chris Menzel    (03)

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