Thank you, Evan & Denise. Yes, yes, yes ... indeed! (01)
We want both the ability to leverage the meta-data, ... also and
continue to provide the ease of use ("contribution" by anyone and
everyone, easily, if they want to). (02)
Max Voelkel made a post at the OntologizingOntolog page
( )
on 2006.07.24 referring us to the SemWiki2006 work. Max Voekel is
from York Sure's team at
University of Karlsruhe, Germany. As announced earlier, York will be
speaking ot the Ontolog Forum on 8/17/2006 (ref: ...
I'm positive that it is going to be a very interesting session. We can
explore the various alternatives further then. (03)
Regards. =ppy
-- (04)
On 8/7/06, dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Evan,
> Good suggestion. I think we also need to include the event information in
> our Taxo-Thesaurus content coverage. My apologies to the group for having
> to be 'off line' for the last week on that project. Perhaps it is time to
> begin discussing how we will manage the Taxo-Thesaurus generated metadata.
> RDF is a logical option.
> Best regards,
> Denise (05)
On 8/7/06, ewallace@xxxxxxxxxxxx <ewallace@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter,
> On the way home the other day, I had an alternative thought about the
> Events calendar. It is a "What if..." sort of a wish rather than a
> recommendation.
> Suppose this information were kept as RDF data. It could be maintained
> as a set of triples containing all the event data without concern for
> order or presentation. Then different pages could simply provide
> different views of this data, presenting only the data meeting some
> criteria and ordering and formatting that data as appropriate for the
> view. I'm not sure what advantages RDF would bring vs a relational DB
> and SQL for this sort of approach, but it is closer to "eating our own
> dog food" and is designed specifically for web use.
> Just a bit of in car day dreaming.
> -Evan (06)
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