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[ontolog-forum] Invitation to the June 13 Data Reference Model Public F

To: sicop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, geo-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ontac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, nics-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, nics-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: susan.turnbull@xxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 14:52:43 -0400
Message-id: <OFF77FC3AF.2C1AC8F1-ON8525700A.006766DA@xxxxxxx>
Greetings!    (01)

You and your colleagues are invited to the First Quarterly Data Reference
Model Public Forum in conjunction with the Sixth Emerging Components
Conference on Monday, June 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at The MITRE
Corporation, McLean, Virginia, MITRE-1 Building Auditorium, 7515 Colshire
Drive, McLean, VA.    (02)

We'll be exploring the emerging role and future implications of the Data
Reference Model for information sharing, re-use, and integration of
strategic information assets in support of the President's Management
Agenda.   The forum will serve to build capacity for shared understanding
and governance around new mission responsibilities during the transitional
period to "net-centric" methods and federated data stewardship.  Join the
dialogue on how to accelerate agreements around stable and fluid
representations of complex information, conducive to collaboration around
the myriad challenges facing our nation.  Please RSVP to
Renee.hughes@xxxxxxx by  June 6, if you plan to join us.   Workshop agenda,
and venue logistics are at:
http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?DataReferenceModelPublicForum_2005_06_13    (03)

Best Regards,
Susan    (04)

Susan B. Turnbull
Co-Chair, Emerging Technology SC,
Architecture and Infastructure Committee(AIC), and AIC
Representative to the DRM WG
Senior Program Advisor,
Office of Intergovernmental Solutions
US General Services Administration
p 202.501.6214
www.gsa.gov/intergov    (05)

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  • [ontolog-forum] Invitation to the June 13 Data Reference Model Public Forum at MITRE - no fee, pls RSVP, susan . turnbull <=