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Re: [ontolog-forum] Call for Semantic Interoperability Architecture (S

To: Brand Niemann <bniemann@xxxxxxx>, "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: ahocek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: RRugg55041@xxxxxxx
From: Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 09:47:44 -0700
Message-id: <a06210229beb7b64d6365@[]>
Hi Brand,    (01)

I wanted to let you know that I am working on preparing a pilot using 
the Oracle RDF Network Data Model in the context of what we showed 
for SWANS.    (02)

I am still not entirely sure what we would be best advised to focus 
on, so any suggestions would be appreciated.    (03)

Rex    (04)

>Those that were able to attend the SWANS Conference heard me announce the
>"Public Domain Databases for Semantic Searching and Ontology Building" and
>heard Sir Tim Berners-Lee recommend for the government role:
>(1) Making public data available in standard Semantic Web formats;
>(2) Requiring funded data to be available in Semantic Web formats;
>(3) Encouraging flagship applications; and
>(4) Supporting Web science research for advanced tools.
>I recently summarized the SICoP Pilots in a "State of the SICoP" for the CIO
>Council and its two Committees that I report to as follows:
>(1) Formal Taxonomies for the U.S. Government
>(2) Ontology for Indicators
>(3) Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Model Ontology
>(4) Building a National Health Information Network Ontology
>(5) Public Domain Databases for Semantic Searching and Ontology Building
>(6) Ontology and Taxonomy Coordinating Working Group
>(7) Composite Application Solutions with Semantic Technologies
>(8) Semantic Technology Profiles for the FEA Data Reference Model
>(9) FEA Data Reference Model Use Cases
>See http://web-services.gov/scope05162005.ppt.
>Recent developments in work on the Federal Enterprise Architecture's Data
>Reference Model (FEA-DRM) and Section 207 (d) of the E-Gov Act of 2002 have
>brought to light the need to report on the SICoP SIA Pilots and Module 2 and
>3 White Papers between now and mid-October.
>I need to include an updated list of SIA Pilots in my presentation at the
>First DRM Public Forum June 13th, at MITRE in McLean, VA, to which the
>public is invited. The draft agenda should be distributed early next week
>and I will provide the URL in a followup email. We will then schedule
>presentations/demonstrations of the SICoP SIA Pilots at our monthly
>workshops, Second Quarterly DRM Public Forum, Third Semantic Technologies
>for E-Government Conference, etc.
>The SIA Pilots should support SICoP's two Working Groups (Common Upper
>Ontology and Ontology and Taxonomy Coordination), the two remaining White
>Papers (The Business Case for Semantic Technologies and Implementing the
>Semantic Web), as well as the FEA DRM and the Categorization of Government
>Information (CGI) requirements in the E-Gov Act of 2002.
>The basic categories of SIA Pilots are:
>(1) Building ontologies and taxonomies from unstructured and semi-structured
>information - examples include the FEA Reference Model Ontology, the
>National Health Information Network Requests for Information, and the
>January 6, 2005, chlorine tanker train car derailment event.
>(2) Networking ontologies and taxonomies to promote reuse and integration
>(3) Implementation of the FEA Reference Model Ontology in
>registries/repositories and model-driven, SOA, architectures - examples
>include LogicLibrary Federated Repositories and the GSA Office of the CIO.
>(4) Building composite applications with multiple ontologies, business
>rules, events, etc. that reduce the number of separate applications and/or
>databases - examples include the TopQuadrant/Digital Harbor work with the
>PiiE Platform (Business Case White Paper).
>(5) Migrate the ISO 11179, UBL Core Component, and other pre-RDF/OWL
>standards into the Semantic Web standards and technologies (DRM).
>(6) Semantic Harmonizations of the FEA Performance Reference Model (PRM)
>(OWL), Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) (Excel), and the Exhibit
>300 (XSD) into an integrated application for Enterprise Architecture
>Governance and Accountability. See
>(7) The RDF Network Data Model - examples include the Oracle 10.2
>announcement, Friend-of-a Friend (FOAF) type applications, etc.
>I am sure there are others that the SICoP and Ontolog members can suggest.
>Please send me your feedback and proposed pilots by June 6th for inclusion
>in my June 13th presentation at the First DRM Public Forum. All individuals,
>vendors, etc. are welcome to participate within "our open collaboration with
>open standards" framework, which in this case means you are willing to work
>with others in the use of the RDF/OWL standards and technologies like for
>the SWANS Conference.
>Thank you,
>Brand Niemann
>Chair, SICoP
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>To Post: mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>    (05)

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309
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To Post: mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (06)

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