You've obviously put a lot of time and effort into your file of new
content, so I don't want to keep being discouraging, but there are a lot of
problems. As a general comment, I think if you stick to trying to
represent directly the information in orders and invoices your efforts will
be much closer to what's needed. It's tempting to think there might be
problems and gaps in SUMO and MILO that need fixing, but in general, what
you have done is to create a great deal of content that is either
undefined, or redundant or both. I find that in general when people say
that some new high level content is needed, it's simply because they
haven't yet understood the content that's already there.
For example, you've created a new type of Communication, but haven't
supplied axioms that describe how it is different from its parent. (01)
(subclass Assertion Communication)
(documentation Assertion "An Assertion is a Proposition which describes a
state of affairs and asserts that the state holds. It may have the value of
true or false. Assertions usually are simple, describing one fact, but may
be more complex, i.e. may be composed of multiple assertions. An Assertion
is a communication from one IntelligentAgent to another.") (02)
The comment is also misleading since you haven't defined Assertion as a
Proposition, and in fact couldn't do so, since Communication is Physical
which is disjoint from Proposition, which is Abstract. So you've not only
created something that is not useful for inference, since it hasn't been
defined, but also that if it were defined as stated in the comment, would
yield a logical contradiction. (03)
A result of creating this class is that you've created another
semi-redundant relation of hasModalAttribute because Assertion doesn't fit
the argument type restrictions of modalObligation, as you note. So now
that results in a whole other redundant (and contradictory) way of
expression model information. (04)
This is just the start of the list of comments I could make, but I don't
think it would be a good use of our time to go through them all. My
suggestion would be to start over, using the existing facilities of SUMO
and MILO, and just focus on the practical representational issues involved
in orders and invoices. I think if you start small, maybe with the one
term I suggested you define in my email of 1/16, we could talk about your
definition, and probably make more rapid progress on the
representation. Focus on small, correct additions to the ontology. If you
take things a step at a time, I'd be glad to help. (05)
Adam (06)
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