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[ontolog-forum] core components

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Adam Pease <adampease@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 17:09:19 -0800
Message-id: <>
   Here's my assessment of how the core components map to SUMO.  The 
spreadsheet is rather confusing since the same UBL names appear to have 
different English definitions.  So, I've sorted them and will try to find 
correspondences for groups of UBL terms that have the same name.  I'll 
prefix SUMO/MILO terms with '&%' to make clear when I'm referring to a 
formal term.  Also note that a large number of items are codes that relate 
other items.  These are likely implementation details that allow database 
implementations that rely on keys.  As such, they can be eliminated, or if 
they carry information other than just a linkage, certain codes may be 
enumerations that should be defined rather than left as opaque strings.    (01)

Adam    (02)

AgencyID        An agency that maintains one or more code lists.
AgencyID        The identification of the agency that maintains the 
scheme.    (03)

&%SymbolicString, related with &%uniqueIdentifier    (04)

AgencyName      The name of the agency that maintains the code list.
AgencyName      The name of the agency that maintains the identification scheme    (05)

&%SymbolicString, related with a &%names    (06)

Amount          A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the 
of currency is explicit or implied.    (07)

this would be a &%RealNumber expressed in the second argument to &%MeasureFn    (08)

AmountCurrency      (09)

Not clear how this differs, if at all, from Amount    (010)

BinaryObject    A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets.    (011)

Not clear what this is    (012)

CharacterSetCode        The character set of the binary object if the mime type 
text.    (013)

&%SymbolicString    (014)

Code    A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity 
and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace a 
definitive value or text of an Attribute together with relevant 
supplementary information.    (015)

&%SymbolicString, however, if the reason is just "brevity", than it's an 
implementation detail, and the information should be represented.  It would 
be up to an application to condense that information using a thesaurus or 
other approach, if necessary.    (016)

Code    The type of unit of measure    (017)

This is a case of where String field have been overloaded and we can help 
make them clearer.  This should be a subclass of &%ConstantQuantity    (018)

CodeListVersionID       The Version of the measure unit code list.
CodeListVersionID       The Version of the UN/ECE Rec. 9 code list.    (019)

Content A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity 
and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace a 
definitive value or text of an Attribute.
Content A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one 
instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects 
within the same scheme
Content A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit 
of currency is explicit or implied
Content A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets.
Content Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by 
calculation, counting or sequencing.
Content The numeric value determined by measuring an object.
Content The particular point in the progression of time
Content The value of the indicator    (020)

this looks like another case of expressing information in a string without 
definition.  These fields variably seem to duplicate other fields, such as 
AmountCurrency.    (021)

DateTime        A particular point in the progression of time together with 
relevant supplementary information.    (022)

use &%time    (023)

EncodingCode    Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.    (024)

This should be an enumeration of algorithms which would be instances of 
&%Procedure    (025)

Filename        The filename of the binary object.    (026)

&%names, or maybe a specialization of that    (027)

Format  The format of the binary content.
Format  The format of the date/time content
Format  Whether the indicator is numeric, textual or binary
Format  Whether the number is an integer, decimal, real number or percentage    (028)

Another problematic overloading that should be handled by associating a 
meaningful class, rather than capturing the data in an unenumerated string    (029)

ID      The currency of the amount
ID      The identification of a list of codes.
ID      The identification of the identification scheme.
ID      The identifier of the language used in the corresponding text string    (030)

The first would would be &%CurrencyMeasure and the last would be instances 
of &%Language.  The other two are probably just keys.    (031)

IdentificationSchemeData            (032)

not sure what these are    (033)

Identifier      A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one 
instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in 
the same scheme together with relevant supplementary information.    (034)

&%uniqueIdentifier    (035)

Indicator       A list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express 
only possible states of a Property.    (036)

&%true    (037)

Language    (038)

&%Language    (039)

LocaleID        The identification of the locale of the language.    (040)

&%GeographicArea    (041)

Measure A numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the 
specified unit of measure.    (042)

&%measure    (043)

MeasureUnit         (044)

&%ConstantQuantity    (045)

MimeCode        The mime type of the binary object.    (046)

This is likely a new concept that should be added.  SUMO/MILO seem to lack 
the notion of a coding scheme even though the &%Process of &%Encoding is 
defined    (047)

Name    The name of a list of codes.
Name    The name of the identification scheme.
Name    The textual equivalent of the code content    (048)

&%names    (049)

Numeric Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by 
calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of 
quantity or unit of measure.    (050)

&%Number    (051)

Quantity        A counted number of non-monetary units possibly including 
QuantityUnit        (052)

duplicating Measure and MeasureUnit above apparently    (053)

Text    A character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the 
form of words of a language.    (054)

a &%SymbolicString    (055)

UniformResourceID       The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where 
Binary Object is located.
UniformResourceID       The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where 
code list is located.
UniformResourceID       The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where 
code list scheme is located.
UniformResourceID       The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where 
identification scheme data is located
UniformResourceID       The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where 
identification scheme is located.    (056)

we should probably define uri as a &%subrelation of &%uniqueIdentifier    (057)

VersionID       The Version of the code list.
VersionID       The Version of the identification scheme.    (058)

&%version    (059)

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To Post: mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (060)

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