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[okmds-org] Next pass on our draft charter

To: okmds-org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: susan.turnbull@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 17:14:12 -0400
Message-id: <OFCB69CA96.3953FAED-ON8525736F.006BDC4F-8525736F.0074A87D@xxxxxxx>

Hi All -
Here's the next pass as promised. Susan T.

Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support: Making Space

This six month virtual mini-series will open up dialogue and discovery at the promising intersection of Ontology and Knowledge Development.  The NASA Mission of “Space Administration” applied in its most expansive form, serves as the inspiration for this series.  The need to effectively administer “knowledge space” to yield meaningful connections that are scalable and sustainable is a strategic challenge of all institutions, whether that knowledge resides primarily within, outside, or across an institution’s span of control.  

As the famed architect, Louis Kahn noted, “Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.”

In this series, we’ll explore how Enterprise Architecture (using Ontology and Knowledge Management) is the thoughtful making of space…space with the tensile integrity needed by disparate institutions to create conducive conditions for emergence of the collective scientific and engineering knowledge needed for future space... where all humanity can thrive.

We’ll explore how Ontology and Knowledge Management, working in concert, “make space” to accommodate difference at multiple levels and contexts.   In this emerging  space, both individuals and institution can more easily distill knowledge from complexity and make informed decisions.  In addition, we’ll explore how to combine at least three scaffolding approaches for the integrated and agile “build-out” of knowledge needed: community (structured bottom-up), folksonomy (unstructured bottom-up) and ontology (structured top-down).    

The virtual seminar and panel discussion events will be offered concurrently in a real world “space” as augmented conference calls and a virtual world “space”, Second Life.
NASA will provide orientation to Second Life as the mini-series gets underway.   The announcement and online discourse will be cross-posted to [ontolog-forum] <ontolog-forum-at-ontolog.cim3.net> and [kmgov]<kmgov-at-list.jpl.nasa.gov>.Others will be added.    

Draft Questions:
1.How can we explore the intersection of Ontology and Knowledge Management
disciplines to define promising collaborations between the two?
2. How do we help people working with our organization o discover useful knowledge? 3. How can we structure information for decision support (both known and serendipitious inquiry)?
4. What are the ontologies to prioritize for scientific exchange?
5. How does the use of semantic technologies draw these fields closer and support better
knowledge discovery?
6.How could “simulation-scripting” exercises in virtual worlds accelerate the development and sustained use of ontologies in the real world?  
7. How might these “simulation-scaffold” ontologies, in turn, improve the pace and complexity of learning associated with large-scale “modeling event” scenarios that are anticipated in virtual world settings?

Susan B. Turnbull
Senior Program Advisor
USA Services Intergovernmental Solutions
GSA Office of Citizen Services and Communications
U.S. General Services Administration
p 202.501.6214

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