OntologySummit2014 session-02 Track-A: Common Reusable Semantic Content-I - Thu 2014-01-23 (43X5)
- Summit Theme: OntologySummit2014: "Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology" (43X6)
- Track-A Focus: Common Reusable Semantic Content (43X7)
- Session Topic: Use and Reuse of Semantic Content - The Problems and Efforts to Address Them (44AY)
- Session Co-chairs: Mr. MikeBennett (EDM Council, Hypercube), Ms. AndreaWesterinen (Nine Points Solutions) & Dr. Gary Berg-Cross (SOCoP; Knowledge Strategies) ... intro slides (44AZ)
Briefings: (44B0)
- Dr. GaryBergCross (SOCoP) - "Use and Reuse of Semantic Content: The Problems and Efforts to Address Them - An Introduction" - slides (44KU)
- Professor PascalHitzler (Wright State U) - "Towards ontology patterns for ocean science repository integration" - slides (44B1)
- Ms. AndreaWesterinen (Nine Points Solutions) - "Reuse of Content from ISO 15926 and FIBO" - slides (44B2)
- Ms. MeganKatsumi & Professor MichaelGruninger (U of Toronto) - "Reasoning about Events on the Semantic Web" - slides (44B3)
- Abstract (44B5)
- Agenda (44B6)
- Prepared presentation material (slides) can be accessed by clicking on each of the title links below: (44B7)
- [ 0-Chair ] . [ 1-Berg-Cross ] . [ 2-Hitzler ] . [ 3-Westerinen ] . [ 4-Katsumi-Gruninger ] (44B8)
- Transcript of the online chat during the session (44B9)
- Audio recording of the session ... [ 1:54:41 ; mp3 ; 13.13 MB ] (44BA)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective presentations (linked above) opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (44BB)
- Additional Resources (44BC)
Abstract (44CN)
Use and Reuse of Semantic Content - The Problems and Efforts to Address Them ... intro slides (44CO)
This is our 9th OntologySummit, a joint initiative by Ontolog, NIST, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD with the support of our co-sponsors. (44DZ)
Since the beginnings of the Semantic Web, ontologies have played key roles in the design and deployment of new semantic technologies. Yet over the years, the level of collaboration between the Semantic Web and Applied Ontology communities has been much less than expected. Within Big Data applications, ontologies appear to have had little impact. (44E0)
This year's Ontology Summit is an opportunity for building bridges between the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data, and Applied Ontology communities. On the one hand, the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Big Data communities can bring a wide array of real problems (such as performance and scalability challenges and the variety problem in Big Data) and technologies (automated reasoning tools) that can make use of ontologies. On the other hand, the Applied Ontology community can bring a large body of common reusable content (ontologies) and ontological analysis techniques. Identifying and overcoming ontology engineering bottlenecks is critical for all communities. (44E1)
OntologySummit2014 will pose and address the primary challenges in these areas of interaction among the different communities. The Summit activities will bring together insights and methods from these different communities, synthesize new insights, and disseminate knowledge across field boundaries. (44CP)
Session Details (44H5)
At the Launch Event on 16 Jan 2014, the organizing team provided an overview of the program, and how we will be framing the discourse. Today's session (OntologySummit2014 session-02) is the first virtual panel session featured by Track-A, which focuses on "Common Reusable Semantic Content." (44CQ)
This session begins with a short introduction to the problem space of reuse, and then continues with three presentations related to differing aspects and qualities of ontologies. The first presentation is from the Earth Sciences domain. It is focused on semantic alignment of two repositories using ontology design patterns. The second presentation addresses the issue of ontological reuse. It describes how portions of the ISO 15926 and FIBO ontologies were mined to define a new ontology. And, the last presentation is concerned with analyzing the reasoning capabilities of an ontology. The goal is to present very different aspects of ontologies (alignment, patterns, reuse and reasoning) in order to start to understand what "common, reusable semantic content" is and its qualities. . (44CR)
After the panelists briefings, there will be time for Q&A and an open discussion among the panel and all participants. (44CS)
See more details at: OntologySummit2014 (homepage for this summit) (44CT)
Briefings: (44CU)
- Dr. GaryBergCross (SOCoP) - "Use and Reuse of Semantic Content: The Problems and Efforts to Address Them - An Introduction" - slides (44LU)
- Professor PascalHitzler (Wright State U) - "Towards ontology patterns for ocean science repository integration" - slides (44CV)
- Abstract: The EarthCube OceanLink project is currently under way to integrate the two major ocean science repositories, BCO-DMO and R2R, using a flexible approach based on ontology design patterns, which is set to scale to significant breadth and depth. In this presentation, we will explain why and how ontology design patterns are the method of choice for this integration, and discuss in detail some concrete modeling choices which have been made. (44CW)
- Ms. AndreaWesterinen (Nine Points Solutions) - "Reuse of Content from ISO 15926 and FIBO" - slides (44CX)
- Abstract: Much work has gone into defining the ISO 15926 standard for the process industry. In fact, there are many generic aspects of the ISO ontology. And, beyond the ontology itself, the iRING User Group has created an architecture and tools to easily exchange ISO 15926 data. Similarly, much work has gone into the financial industry ontologies, FIBO. FIBO's Foundations Ontology provides valuable concepts related to people, places, corporations and agreements. All of these concepts come into play in the network management space, where data needs to be exchanged across products and sites, and service level agreements between various parties need to be described and upheld. This presentation overviews early work in mining ISO 15926 and FIBO for necessary concepts and content for defining a network management ontology, and discusses what was straightforward and what was complicated. (44CY)
- Ms. MeganKatsumi & Professor MichaelGruninger (U of Toronto) - "Reasoning about Events on the Semantic Web" - slides (44CZ)
- Abstract: In a review of existing event ontologies on the semantic web, we recognized that little to no reasoning was being done in their applications. This raised the question of "Why?", as we could easily brainstorm potential, motivating reasoning problems related to events. To investigate this, we designed a set of reasoning problems (competency questions) which, for cohesiveness, were anchored in a city-information context. Now, using three well-known semantic web event ontologies (SEM, The Event Ontology, and LODE), we have begun to answer the question: "Are semantic web ontologies able to support these reasoning problems?", and more importantly: "If not, why? Are the existing ontologies simply not designed with enough semantics to support these applications, or have they reached the limit of what semantic web languages can support?". We are in the process of creating a spectrum of test-ontologies in OWL and First-Order Logic that we will use to answer these questions -- in short to provide a pragmatic assessment of the reasoning capabilities of (more expressive) semantic web ontologies, and to identify some reasoning limitations that may be imposed by the logical language that they are formalized in. We hope that the final results of this work will also serve to direct us on what is required if we want to be able to perform non-trivial reasoning with ontologies on the semantic web. (44D0)
Agenda: (44D1)
OntologySummit2014 session-01 Track-A: Common Reusable Semantic Content-I (44D2)
Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call (44D3)
- 1. Session opening and Track Introduction - co-chairs: MikeBennett, GaryBergCross (20 min.) ... slides (44D4)
- 2. Briefings - PascalHitzler, AndreaWesterinen, MeganKatsumi-MichaelGruninger (18~20 min. ea) (44D5)
- 3. Open discussion - ALL (20~30 min.) ... ref. process above (44D6)
- 4. Wrap-up - co-chairs: MikeBennett, AndreaWesterinen, GaryBergCross (44D7)
Proceedings (44D8)
Please refer to the above (44D9)
IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (44DA)
see raw transcript here. (44DB)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (44DC)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (44DD)
------ Chat transcript from room: summit_20140123 2014-01-23 GMT-08:00 [PST] ------ (44RS)
[9:03] PeterYim: Welcome to the (44RU)
= OntologySummit2014 session-02 Track-A: Common Reusable Semantic Content-I - Thu 2014-01-23 = (44RV)
Summit Theme: Summit Theme: OntologySummit2014: "Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology" (44RW)
Track-A Focus: Common Reusable Semantic Content (44RX)
Session Topic: Use and Reuse of Semantic Content - The Problems and Efforts to Address Them (44RY)
Session Co-chairs: * Mr. MikeBennett (EDM Council, Hypercube) * Ms. AndreaWesterinen (Nine Points Solutions) & * Dr. Gary Berg-Cross (SOCoP; Knowledge Strategies) (44RZ)
Briefings: (44S0)
* Dr. GaryBergCross (SOCoP) - "Use and Reuse of Semantic Content: The Problems and Efforts to Address Them - An Introduction" (44S1)
* Professor PascalHitzler (Wright State U) - "Towards ontology patterns for ocean science repository integration" (44S2)
* Ms. AndreaWesterinen (Nine Points Solutions) - "Reuse of Content from ISO 15926 and FIBO" (44S3)
* Ms. MeganKatsumi & Professor MichaelGruninger (U of Toronto) - "Reasoning about Events on the Semantic Web" (44S4)
Logistics: (44S5)
* Refer to details on session page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_01_23 (44S6)
* (if you haven't already done so) please click on "settings" (top center) and morph from "anonymous" to your RealName (44S7)
* Mute control (phone keypad): *7 to un-mute ... *6 to mute (44S8)
* Attn: Skype users ... see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_01_23#nid44BM ** you may connect to (the skypeID) "joinconference" whether or not it indicates that it is online (i.e. even if it says it is "offline," you should still be able to connect to it.) ** if you are using skype and the connection to "joinconference" is not holding up, try using (your favorite POTS or VoIP line, etc.) either your phone, skype-out or google-voice and call the US dial-in number: +1 (206) 402-0100 ... when prompted enter Conference ID: 141184# ** Can't find Skype Dial pad? *** for Windows Skype users: Can't find Skype Dial pad? ... it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad" *** for Linux Skype users: if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it (44S9)
Attendees: AleksandraSojic, AliHashemi, AmandaVizedom, AnatolyLevenchuk, AndreaWesterinen, AnneThessen, BartGajderowicz, BobSchloss, ChristineKapp, ConradBeaulieu, CyndyChandler, DaliaVaranka, DanielMcShan, DennisWisnosky, DennisPierson, EarlGlynn, ElieAbiLahoud, FabianNeuhaus, FranLightsom, FrankLoebe, GaryBergCross, GenZou, HaroldBoley, HensonGraves, JacobusGeluk, JamesOverton, JamesWilson, JennSleeman, JimSolderitsch, JoelBender, JohnMcClure, JohnYanosy, JuanGomezRomero, JulienCorman, KenBaclawski, KrzysztofJanowicz, LeoObrst, LianaKiff, MariaPoveda, MatthewLange, MatthewWest, MaxGillmore, MeganKatsumi, MichaelGruninger, MikeBennett, MikeCummens, NaicongLi, NancyWiegand, OliverKutz, PascalHitzler, PeterYim, QuentinReul, RaminAyanzadeh, RexBrooks, RichardMartin, RichardBeatch, ScottHills, ShahrulAzmanNoah, SimonSpero, SteveRay, SundayOjo, TaraAthan, TerryLongstreth, TimFinin, ToddSchneider, VeruskaZamborlini, VictorAgroskin, (44SA)
== Proceedings == (44SB)
[8:46] anonymous morphed into ShahrulAzmanNoah (44SC)
[9:25] anonymous morphed into JohnYanosy (44SD)
[9:27] anonymous morphed into PascalHitzler (44SE)
[9:28] LeoObrst: Folks, unfortunately I must leave after first hour. (44SF)
[9:28] PeterYim: go it, Leo ... glad you can still make a portion of this session (44SG)
[9:30] anonymous2 morphed into JamesOverton (44SH)
[9:31] anonymous2 morphed into AliHashemi (44SI)
[9:32] anonymous2 morphed into MariaPoveda (44SJ)
[9:32] anonymous2 morphed into ConradBeaulieu (44SK)
[9:33] anonymous2 morphed into JimSolderitsch (44SL)
[9:33] anonymous3 morphed into MikeCummens (44SM)
[9:33] JamesOverton morphed into JamesOverton (44SN)
[9:33] anonymous4 morphed into VeruskaZamborlini (44SO)
[9:33] HaroldBoley morphed into HaroldBoley (44SP)
[9:34] anonymous2 morphed into JamesWilson (44SQ)
[9:35] PeterYim: == MikeBennett starts the session on behalf of the Track-A co-champions ... see slides under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_01_23#nid44B7 (44SR)
[9:36] anonymous2 morphed into MariaPoveda (44SS)
[9:37] anonymous2 morphed into RichardBeatch (44ST)
[9:38] anonymous3 morphed into JacobusGeluk (44SU)
[9:38] anonymous2 morphed into NaicongLi (44SV)
[9:41] PeterYim: == GaryBergCross presenting ... (44SW)
[9:44] anonymous2 morphed into RaminAyanzadeh (44SX)
[9:47] anonymous2 morphed into JulienCorman (44SY)
[9:51] anonymous2 morphed into MaxGillmore (44SZ)
- [9:51] MikeBennett: @Peter, the VNC hopper seems to be showing the slide not full screen put placed on top of your overall screen (bit of Session Page showing below) (44T0)
- [9:57] PeterYim: @MikeBennett ... I cannot reproduce your problem ... anyone else has that problem Mike is mentioning? (44T1)
- [9:57] MikeBennett: @Peter it's OK now. (44T2)
- [9:59] PeterYim: @MikeBennett - it's probably because GaryBergCross' slide format (aspect ratio) does not coincide with the screen's ... I show a huge "black stripe" at the top and the bottom, but I suppose my "black" could have been "pixels from the previous image" in your case ... [ (comment added later:) one might try clicking on the vnc viewer "refresh screen" button, that would probably get rid of the "pixels from the previous image" =ppy ] (44T3)
- [10:00] MikeBennett: @Peter that will have been it - the slide went full width but we saw top and bottom of your screen. Or I did anyway. (44T4)
[9:54] TaraAthan: slide 9 - an opportunity for alignment with a quantities/units of measure ontology? (44T5)
[9:56] AndreaWesterinen: @TaraAthan Yes, I touch on this a bit also in my presentation. (44T6)
[9:56] QuentinReul: @GaryBergCross: Do you mean that SKOS doesn't encode the formal semantics of similarity? (44T7)
[9:58] GaryBergCross: @Quentin I'm not sure that SKOS covers similarity in as useful a way as needed. It is a thesaurus level and doesn't get in how things are similar. (44T8)
[9:59] QuentinReul: @GaryBergCross I agree, but it was not intended to provide similarity at the conceptual level (44T9)
[10:00] QuentinReul: @GaryBergCross some have argued that thesauri are sufficient for most business needs, which I totally disagree with (44TA)
[10:03] GaryBergCross: @Quentin Yes, I agree with you, I think that it is part of the need for deeper knowledge on concepts P and S. (44TB)
[9:57] AliHashemi: Hi Gary, I find question 7 in your supplementary material to be very interesting - "Is reuse about semantics alone or should it also address reasoning and data analytics?". Could you elaborate a bit the difference between how one accesses the semantics of a concept vs reasoning about a concept? (44TC)
[9:59] GaryBergCross: Ali - MichaelGruninger's talk should provide some context for this issue. So let's hear that first. (44TD)
[10:04] QuentinReul: @GaryBergCross Did some work for my PhD where I relied on DL axioms to analyse similarity between concepts, and then re-used construct to represent the similarity. Have you heard of EDOAL (http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/edoal.html)? (44TE)
[10:05] GaryBergCross: @Quentin No that is a new one to me. Thanks.... (44TF)
[9:56] PeterYim: == PascalHitzler presenting ... (44TG)
[9:41] PascalHitzler: While my talk will of course be self-contained, it is in a sense a different slice of the same storyline as presented at ontolog last November: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IAOA_SWAO_ConferenceCall_2013_11_25 (44TH)
[9:42] PascalHitzler: I also regret that I will have to leave shortly after my talk because of teaching duties. (44TI)
[9:59] MikeBennett: NSF = National Science Foundation (in the US), for those who don't know it. (44TJ)
[10:01] anonymous3 morphed into JuanGomezRomero (44TK)
[10:03] AliHashemi: @PascalHitzler, don't both extremes have their difficulties in their reuse? (44TL)
[10:03] AliHashemi: A theory that is underspecified may have a lot of implicit assumptions in how the model is used (44TM)
[10:03] AliHashemi: Which would lead to unintended errors in re-use as well, no/ (44TN)
[10:05] GaryBergCross: @Ali I hope that PascalHitzler has time to respond to this, he has to go to another meeting, but perhaps KrzysztofJanowicz who is also on the call would offer some ideas here. (44TO)
[10:08] anonymous3 morphed into MatthewLange (44TP)
[10:05] MikeBennett: This (Hitzler, slide 9) ODP of Event is identical to the one in FIBO. (44TQ)
[10:26] PascalHitzler: @MikeBennett: I wasn't aware that this (slide 9) is as in FIBO. Thanks for the pointer :) (44TR)
[10:06] GaryBergCross: @MikeBennett Ah! A building block for reuse already! (44TS)
[10:06] MikeBennett: (except we refer to the concepts of place and time, rather than strings) (44TT)
[10:08] MikeBennett: Oh, and Place need not be spatial - there are events which occur at a virtual place, e.g. a security is issued on the Global Bonds Market. (44TU)
[10:08] SimonSpero: It's not just a Logical Form of Action Statements; it's THE Logical Form of Action Stations (44TV)
[10:09] SimonSpero: (Captain Donald Tiberius Davidson) (44TW)
[10:10] SimonSpero: Davidson paper (scanned from "Action and Events", I assume) http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic638346.files/Davidson1967.pdf (44TX)
[10:10] anonymous1 morphed into GenZou (44TY)
[10:09] JohnMcClure: <class> is a template, not a pattern. A pattern is more about the way multiple things are put together. (44TZ)
[10:27] PascalHitzler: @JohnMcClure: I'm not sure about the exact difference between template and pattern, if any. (44U0)
[10:12] AmandaVizedom: @PascalHitzler, that's a very good and important point: patterns and modularity are related. patterns increase the degree to which chunks of modeling can be plugged into each other with predictable results. That enables modularity and increases reusability. (44U1)
[10:28] PascalHitzler: @AmandaVizedom: thanks (44U2)
[10:13] MatthewLange: These terms, "patterns", "model", "predictability", "axioms" etc, should be captured in an ontology, if they are not already (perhaps I don't know about the source??) (44U3)
[10:14] MikeBennett: @MatthewLange Good agenda for a meta-ontology. (44U4)
[10:17] MatthewLange: @MikeBennett indeed, does such an animal exist? of course, it should also contain "description logic" "OWL" , etc, etc (44U5)
[10:29] PascalHitzler: @MatthewLange: I agree, although it may be too early to try capture these in an ontology. We definitely need to get a good understanding of notions related to pattern, and of possible relationships between patterns. (44U6)
[10:14] SimonSpero: @PascalHitzler :Can either be expressed in OWL ? (44U7)
- [10:15] MatthewLange: I can't see live slides, is VNC server down? (44U8)
- [10:15] MikeBennett: VNC is OK here. (44U9)
- [10:17] PeterYim: @MatthewLange & All, vnc is strictly optional, and people behind corporate firewalls would run into problems unless they try to get ready for it beforehand ... just run the slides on your own desktop - the speakers will prompt everyone to advance slides (44UA)
[10:15] MichaelGruninger: @GaryBergCross: do you see a distinction between an ODP and a generic ontology? Hitzler slide 10 is part of an event ontology. You could call it a pattern insofar as it is a pair of axioms that are common across many of the existing event ontologies (44UB)
[10:17] GaryBergCross: @MichaelGruninger I think that ODPs are often a PART of a top-level or domain ontology, but selectively and modularly so. So many patterns are pieces of DOLCE (44UC)
[10:16] MichaelGruninger morphed into MeganKatsumi (44UD)
[10:17] SimonSpero: @PascalHitzler specifically: aren't Property Chains constrained to Object Properties? (44UE)
[10:19] QuentinReul: @PascalHitzler Are these patterns added to the ODP repository ( http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Main_Page )? (44UF)
[10:22] SteveRay: +1 on QuentinRuel's question (44UG)
[10:33] PascalHitzler: our patterns are still work in progress, so they are not yet published anywhere. (44UH)
- [10:21] PeterYim: @ALL ... when posting a link here, please leave a blank space before and after the url (the chat-room tends to include your commas or close parentheses as part of the url! (44UI)
[10:21] MichaelGruninger: @PascalHitzler: Do you see an ontology pattern as distinct from a subtheory of an ontology (along the lines of Gary's comment)? (44UJ)
[10:31] PascalHitzler: @MichaelGruninger: Regarding ODP versus ontology: I would argue that we need to make sure that the patterns are exposed. If you publish only a large ontology, but have lost how it emerges from patterns, then reuse is imo made much more difficult. (44UK)
[10:22] ScottHills: @PascalHitzler: Regarding question on slide 17: If you generalize the concepts of TemporalThing (time) and SpatialThing (place) to allow ranges (time interval, spatial extent), I don't think there's any problem considering both applicable to a cruise. (44UL)
[10:22] PascalHitzler: I have a few minutes, will try to catch up with chat discussion a bit (44UM)
[10:23] JohnYanosy: Sets of patterns to create views is an interesting approach to a situation where a massive ontology might not be feasible to understand. (44UN)
[10:26] GaryBergCross: @JohnYanosy Yes, it has bee widely noted that domain people (and perhaps even we knowledge engineers) have difficulty going through and understanding a large ontology and then are faced with how to pick out useful pieces and exclude pieces that might have axioms they don't agree with. A KE can't do it w/o domain knowledge and a domain person cant't understand the formalisms. (44UO)
[10:24] MatthewWest: @AliHashemi: I think there is a difference between being able to reuse the pattern, and being able to compare and use together the results of the reuse of the ontology. Reuse of the ontology is eased by fewer axioms, but reuse and comparison/integration of the results of using the ontology is improved if you have more axioms (less chance for unintended models). So it depends what you are trying to achieve. (44UP)
[10:25] AliHashemi: @MatthewWest, I agree. (44UQ)
[10:26] QuentinReul: @MatthewWest Is it not adding fewer constraining axioms that would reduce complexity and thus increase re-use? (44UR)
[10:25] PascalHitzler: @AliHashemi [10:03]: yes, both extremes have problems regarding reuse. Implicit assumptions are a problem of course, yes. I would probably say that implicit assumptions are in fact ontological commitments which have not been communicated. Of course that causes problems. (44US)
[10:26] AliHashemi: It seems that at the extreme, a highly modularized ontology might blend into an ontology pattern? (44UT)
[10:27] AliHashemi: @PascalHitzler, also agree. @QuentinReul, it depends on how the term is being used. If the usage of the term belies unstated assumptions, then it is a superficial type of "easier reuse" (44UU)
[10:27] GaryBergCross: @AliHashemi The modules in such an ontology might. (44UV)
[10:27] MikeBennett: @Gary the domain people can understand the formalisms if they are presented and explained in terms of set theory. Where that falls down is with OWL Restrictions, which require some notational footwork to re-frame them as refinements of re-uses of a property. (44UW)
[10:28] GaryBergCross: @MikeBennett Good lesson from your work out there with people... (44UX)
[10:29] LeoObrst: @AliHashemi: yes, I think ontology modules coming mostly top-down meet at ontology patterns coming mostly bottom-up. I think in fact that eventually those patterns, after greater refinement, may correspond to those ontology modules. (44UY)
[10:31] ElieAbiLahoud: +1 @LeoObrst reply to AliHashemi (44UZ)
[10:29] PascalHitzler: @SimonSpero: Sorry missing reference. re. expressivity in OWL - which slide? (44V0)
[10:30] SimonSpero: @PascalHitzler: Slide 14 (44V1)
[10:30] QuentinReul: @MikeBennett Did you use graphical notations to represent the info to Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs)? If so, what notation did you use? I have found that set theory was sometimes already too difficult for some SMEs (44V2)
- [10:30] MatthewLange: @Everyone, could you please use full names, there are two Matthews here, it's getting confusing ;-) (44V3)
- [10:32] PeterYim: further to MatthewLange's [10:30], @ALL: please cite full (WikiWord name), every instance that you abbreviate mean another burden on whoever is going to spend time cleaning up the chat-transcript for the archives ... Thanks in advance! (44V4)
[10:31] GaryBergCross: Semantic overlap seems to be another way of describing the concept similarity issue. (44V5)
[10:31] MatthewWest: @PascalHitzler: When we were developing ISO 15926, one of our primary concerns was to limit the options for how things could be modelled, but at the same time to allow anything to be modelled - the aim being reuse of data. These two desiderata drove a lot of the choices we made. (44V6)
[10:32] MikeBennett: @Quentin yes we did - but for this we used a cut-down implementation of OWL which did not include restrictions. We created a nearly Visio-like presentation of nodes and edges (for classes and properties), with datatype properties as textual entries within a box (very UML-like but without any UML notation). Now exploring how to render Restrictions in a similar way. (44V7)
[10:32] PascalHitzler: @SimonSpero: I think you're right that property chains are constrained to object properties (my bad). However, that may just be OWL (not sure there's a deeper reason to not allow a datatype property at the end of a chain - it was probably just left out of the standard). (44V8)
[10:32] SimonSpero: @PascalHitzler: has an Object Property as a subproperty of a Data Property (44V9)
[10:33] SimonSpero: @PascalHitzler: There were some concerns about... decidability (44VA)
[10:33] QuentinReul: @MikeBennett I have tried a very similar approach and it didn't quite work. The main issue is trying to express that certain things are together. Could you share some of your diagrams? (44VB)
[10:33] MichaelGruninger: @PascalHitzler; Perhaps people should stop publishing LARGE ontologies, and focus on publishing small ontologies that get combined as modules of larger ontologies. COLORE is full of small modules which get combined into larger ontologies. In particular, you can find a modularization of DOLCE (44VC)
[10:37] ElieAbiLahoud: @MichaelGruninger "Perhaps people..." YES, like regrouping code in functions, modules, etc... (44VD)
[10:33] PascalHitzler: (that was @ScottHills)) we should soon be there though (44VE)
[10:33] PascalHitzler: @JohnYanosy: yes! (44VF)
[10:34] PascalHitzler: @MatthewWest: what you say is part of a discussion which we really need to have. We do not yet understand these trade-offs well enough yet. (44VG)
[10:35] QuentinReul: @MikeBennett I would especially be interested in your current thinking about representation of restrictions (44VH)
[10:36] MikeBennett: @Quentin the diagrams are at http://www.hypercube.co.uk/edmcouncil - the current diagrams are slightly different as we have made minor changes to the metamodel (so disjoints and inverses are now dashed not solid lines). These diagrams required a 1 hour explanation to business domain experts before they could participate. (44VI)
- [10:38] PeterYim: ^ http://www.hypercube.co.uk/edmcouncil ( http:// missing earlier ) ... ( @ALL: kindly use fully qualified url ... ) (44VJ)
- [10:38] MikeBennett: Noted - sorry! (44VK)
- [10:39] PeterYim: @MikeBennett:, No apologies necessary ... (just trying best to cope with idiosyncrasies of the tools we are living with, and still be lazy :) (44VL)
[10:36] MikeBennett: @QuentinReul I can mail you my current proposals (which the more technical people don't like!) (44VM)
[10:39] QuentinReul: @MikeBennett I would like that (if not proprietary). I may not like it, but I would not be the main consumer of it (44VN)
[10:37] PascalHitzler: @SimonSpero: regarding slide 14: the lower of the two axioms is not expressible in OWL. It has been looked at, though, in research around description logics. IIRC, even for relatively small logics it causes undecidability if used in an unrestricted way. (44VO)
[10:38] QuentinReul: Did anyone look at http://www.bit.ly/OpenContractingData ? It seems to be a new standard to represent contracting info (44VP)
[10:38] PascalHitzler: @SimonSpero: thanks for the remark about decidability, I'd have to look into this. Very interesting in fact. (44VQ)
[10:39] TaraAthan: Regarding the suggestion of small modules that are reused - often axioms use terms that are defined in other modules. When importation of these dependencies is required, you get modules that are not so small anymore. When importation of such dependencies is optional, you may get a shift in semantics. And then there is the question of circular dependencies... (44VR)
[10:41] AliHashemi: @TaraAthan, that raises the questions of whether patterns can be that self-contained... And it gets back to the crux of how modules or theories can extend one another (44VS)
[10:41] MichaelGruninger: @Tara: Agreed. Ontology designers and users need to be aware when another ontology is being conservatively extended and when it is a nonconservative extension. (44VT)
[10:41] SimonSpero: @Pascal @Tara: Quasi second order axioms A la CL / IKL / CycL can capture a lot. CycL macros are also nice (44VU)
[10:39] SimonSpero: @PascalHitzler: Right - but there were concerns for some reason about data properties... I need to try and find the email thread (obviously a DPE can only be the terminal property in a chain) - the discussion seemed to peter out (44VV)
[10:39] PascalHitzler: @MichaelGruninger: small versus large ontologies: Perhaps, if publishing large ontologies, make sure that the patterns used are still well exposed and easily located. (44VW)
[10:43] MatthewLange: @MichaelGruninger, I agree with you about small ontologies, except that sometimes we need to develop knowledge models around the larger value propositions possibly gained by modeling contained domains (44VX)
[10:40] PascalHitzler: @SimonSpero: if you find a link, that would be tremendous! (44VY)
[10:41] PascalHitzler: I'm afraid I have to leave now for teaching. Thanks a lot to all, and the discussion. Feel free to email me if you have further thoughts (44VZ)
[10:41] PeterYim: Bye, Pascal ... thank you for the great talk! (44W0)
[10:41] MikeBennett: Thanks Pascal - and thanks for following up the questions. (44W1)
[10:22] PeterYim: == AndreaWesterinen presenting ... (44W2)
[10:28] PeterYim: @AndreaWesterinen ... [ref. question about previous coverage of iRing in this community] MatthewWest gave a talk about it at the OntologySummit2009_Symposium - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2009_Symposium#nid1VZT (44W3)
[10:28] anonymous2 morphed into JennSleeman (44W4)
[10:37] JohnMcClure: Slide 13: Too much complexity, mindboggling tens of thousands of classes... does she mean tens of thousands of Properties? (44W5)
[10:43] JohnMcClure: she means annotation properties are separate from the text/object properties (44W6)
[10:51] AndreaWesterinen: @JohnMcClure -Slide 13 - I was talking about the full process industry ISO - which makes many subclasses. Sorry for not being clear. (44W7)
[10:43] SimonSpero: @MikeBennett: Agreement Technologies (in Springer Law, Governance and Technology series): http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/book/978-94-007-5582-6 (44W8)
[10:45] AnatolyLevenchuk: ISO 15926 self-education sequence -- http://levenchuk.com/2012/10/01/iso-15926-self-education-sequence/ (44W9)
[10:47] MatthewWest: @AndreaWesterinen: I would be very surprised if anyone reused all of ISO 15926. Typically, projects use an extended subset, some of what they want is there, and some is not there. The idea is to develop the extensions with reuse in mind, so they can be added back to the whole. ISO 15926 is intended to be reusable and extensible. (44WA)
[10:53] VictorAgroskin: @AndreaWesterinen: Looks like you have used mostly data model (ISO 15926-2), not Reference Data Libraries developed for it? (44WB)
[10:54] AndreaWesterinen: @VictorAgroskin We looked at both, but yes, mostly the data models. (44WC)
[10:58] MatthewWest: @Andrea and Victor: Interestingly it is the data model that contains the key ontology patterns and commitments, and the Reference Data Library that contains the classes that bring the specificity to the patterns. So this is not unexpected when used outside the Process Industries. (44WD)
[10:33] MikeBennett: @Andrea when you were finding legal ontologies, did you find any ontologies dealing with contracts? (44WE)
[10:56] AndreaWesterinen: @MikeBennett We looked at the Public Contract Ontology, https://code.google.com/p/public-contracts-ontology/ (44WF)
[10:57] AndreaWesterinen: @MikeBennett ... and ontologies/concepts summarized in the IOS Press book, Law, Ontologies and the Semantic Web (44WG)
[10:58] AndreaWesterinen: @MikeBennett For example, they also discuss design patterns in Chapter 3. (44WH)
[10:46] anonymous2 morphed into CyndyChandler (44WI)
[11:00] AndreaWesterinen: @MatthewWest That was my experience, so thanks for confirming it! (44WJ)
[11:07] MatthewWest: @Andrea: if you want to work together on elucidating events/activity in ISO 15926 during the summit, I would be happy to help with that. (44WK)
[11:09] AndreaWesterinen: @MatthewWest That would be great!! Let's talk off line and then put some thoughts out on the mail list. (44WL)
[11:10] VictorAgroskin: @Matthew, Andrea: I've noticed the wish to extend ISO 15926 ontology. It will be beneficial if Andrea extends reference data as it is prescribed by ISO 15926, not data model. Then we (ISO 15926 community) will be able in turn to reuse content developed by another community. (44WM)
[11:12] AndreaWesterinen: @Victor We are looking to extend similar to Part 4, which is the reference data. No? (44WN)
[11:02] AndreaWesterinen: Previous discussion items about "small" patterns within larger ontologies/models seems like a good way to go. AND ... including mappings where semantics are taken, mapped and extended. (44WO)
[11:05] JohnMcClure: @AndreaWesterinen - terrific talk thank you for the time you invested! I was noting that Slide 11 shows three lists of properties, not classes (44WP)
[10:58] MikeBennett: @Andrea - cool! Thanks. (44WQ)
[10:46] PeterYim: == MeganKatsumi-MichaelGruninger presenting ... (44WR)
[10:51] SimonSpero: Ryan Shaw's Dissertation (LODE) is online at http://aeshin.org/dissertation/ (44WS)
[10:51] SteveRay: @Megan: Where is the best place to find a copy of psl.owl? (44WT)
[10:52] MichaelGruninger: @SteveRay: we will be uploading all of the OWL axiomatizations into the OntoHub repository (44WU)
[10:52] anonymous2 morphed into BartGajderowicz (44WV)
[10:52] AliHashemi: @Megan and Michael, are these extensions available online? (44WW)
[10:53] AmandaVizedom: @MeganKatsumi: re: slide 10, can you say something about why you chose SWRL for this? (44WX)
[10:54] MichaelGruninger: @Amanda: we wanted a language that combined both OWL and rules (44WY)
[10:55] AndreaWesterinen: @Amanda We also are using SWRL. We have tools like Stardog that input and reason with SWRL. (44WZ)
[10:54] FrankLoebe: @Megan @Michael: Are the translations from first-order PSL to OWL and SWRL (partially?) automatic? (44X0)
[10:55] MichaelGruninger: @FrankLoebe: the translation definitions between the ontologies are manually generated. (44X1)
[10:58] AmandaVizedom: @MichaelGruninger, @MeganKatsumi & AndreaWesterinen: One reason I asked is that it's counter to what I perceive as dominant approach in semweb. Seems as if many OWL users bypass SWRL and use SPARQL queries, and scripts executing them, in place of declarative rules. This has some obvious shortcomings (loses benefits of being declarative, for example), but is common. SWRL approach caught my attention. (44X2)
[10:58] PeterYim: @MeganKatsumi & MichaelGruninger, great talk! is there documentation that elaborates on the results (at least to the extent supporting the "preliminary results" cited on your slide#15? (44X3)
[11:03] MeganKatsumi: @PeterYim: We're finishing up a draft to submit to the Journal of Web Semantics (44X4)
[11:04] MeganKatsumi: We can also distribute some preliminary notes (44X5)
[11:07] PeterYim: @MeganKatsumi, thank you ... please contribute that in time because your research (and the results, even if preliminary) is so relevant to this Summit (the journal paper timeline may work off a different pace) (44X6)
[11:02] SimonSpero: @MichaeGruninger, @Megan Ryan Shaw asked whether you also looked at F ( http://west.uni-koblenz.de/Research/ontologies/events/event-model-f-kcap.pdf ) (44X7)
[11:03] SimonSpero: @MichaeGruninger, @Megan: And points out that LODE was not explicitly designed for reasoning, so the evaluation is meaningful (44X8)
[11:02] PeterYim: == Q & A and Open Discussion ... (44X9)
[11:03] DennisWisnosky: Time at the end is a shock. (44XA)
[11:07] GaryBergCross: PASCAL showed building the cruise pattern using the trajectory pattern which in turn used an event pattern. (44XB)
[11:08] MichaelGruninger: @SimonSpero: Yes, we had planned on including the F-model of events; one of the obstacles was its tight integration with DOLCE Ultralight. This hearkens back to the earlier comments about reusing modules of ontologies rather than the entire ontology (44XC)
[11:08] AndreaWesterinen: @JohnMcClure Yes, slide 11 is from FIBO. Their object/data/annotation properties were very well thought out and defined. (44XD)
[11:09] MichaelGruninger: @MikeBennett: I missed what you just said about activities and events -- could you repeat in the chat? (44XE)
[11:11] MikeBennett: We considered Event to be something with a time and a place (and, implicitly some cause therefore some causal agent). Extending this to an Event in which there is some Actor - what that equates to is an Act or Activity, and Activities become (along with Events) the building blocks of a Process. And so on. At this point the pattern diverges from ones that others have used, but it seems to match the common sense meanings. (44XF)
[11:12] MikeBennett: @Michael also these concepts have mappings to concepts in REA under different names (e.g. REA "Event" is an Activity). (44XG)
[11:13] JohnYanosy: A question for Andrea regarding Network management ontology - in this context there are network elements with static performance capabilities and instances in time of dynamic variables, which affect or influence higher level network performance variables, such as cost, availability, utilization, etc. Many of these higher level concepts are not logical results of elements but rather require higher level mathematical processing to relate them. What role do you see for an ontology in this context? Possible external mathematical reasoning models may be required to create network level performance instances related to dynamic network element instances? (44XH)
[11:13] MatthewWest: @Victor, Andrea: I agree. There is supposed to be enough data model, though there is the possibility of finding other patterns in class_of_relationship which you might want to give more prominence to. So a way to discover and document those for reuse might be useful. Of course the templates are supposed to cover that. (44XI)
[11:13] AndreaWesterinen: @Victor and @MatthewWest But, there may be data model extensions. (44XJ)
[11:14] GaryBergCross: I agree with what MichaelGruninger just said about the limitations of building blocks. It remains a challenge to understand the limits of reuse and under what conditions these are reasonable. (44XK)
[11:15] MatthewWest: @Andrea: extensions to the data model are not in possible, but there have been no updates in 10+years now. (44XL)
[11:15] AliHashemi: @Simon, but all. Since you mentioned in your comment that the LODE was designed without reasoning in mind, could elaborate how one accesses the semantics of a concept or a term and how that is different from reasoning about the term/concept? (44XM)
[11:17] SimonSpero: AliHashemi: I believe the focus was on Intentional descriptions - see Ryan's dissertation above (44XN)
[11:17] AndreaWesterinen: @JohnYanosy Do you want to collaborate a bit offline and discuss this further? (44XO)
[11:19] AmandaVizedom: @MichaelGruninger: some of the philosophers are pragmatists. ;-) (44XP)
[11:20] MatthewWest: @Amanda: Yes, I sometimes describe myself as an applied philosopher :-) (44XQ)
[11:22] ToddSchneider: To clarify, the ability to reuse an ontology is dependent on the 'congruence' of the set of intended interpretations. And (hopefully) any inferencing will preserve these interpretations. (44XR)
[11:22] MichaelGruninger: @AndreaWesterinen, MikeBennett, GaryBergCross -- the track questions on slide 15 of Gary's slide are great! (44XS)
[11:23] AndreaWesterinen: @Peter I can start a thread on each question. (44XT)
[11:25] PeterYim: @AndreaWesterinen ... by all means, that's what the [ontology-summit] discussion list and the wiki page at http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Common_Reusable_Semantic_Content_CommunityInput are for (44XU)
[11:24] GaryBergCross / MikeBennett: Please suggest speakers for the second Track A session. (44XV)
[11:23] VictorAgroskin: @Andrea: ISO 15926 data model has some limitations because of ontology foundations. One obstacle you can meet in network-related modelling can be in the modelling of "information" domain. ISO 15926 just is not designed to transparently type things like "byte", "package", "file", not to say "protocol" or "handshake". If there is some established ontology for that - I'll really recommend to use it, just making a link to ISO 15926 ontology at very high level. (44XX)
[11:24] AmandaVizedom: @MatthewWest: I sometimes describe myself as an applied epistemologist, entirely straightforwardly, but of course that phrase is meaningful to even fewer people than ""ontologist"" is. :-) (44XY)
[11:24] AndreaWesterinen: @VictorAgroskin I agree, but the team was looking to reuse tools that were designed for the ISO models. We can start from class_of_class :-). (44XZ)
[11:25] JohnYanosy: @AndreaWesterinen I would love to collaborate off-line. My email is jyanosyjr [at] gmail.com (44Y0)
[11:25] MikeBennett: Modularity and re-usability as an issue to explore (see Q4 on Slide 15 of Gary's slides) (44Y1)
[11:25] AndreaWesterinen: @VictorAgroskin Also byte, packet, etc. are more units than specific classes. (44Y2)
[11:26] SteveRay: So I'm gathering that the main places to find collections of reusable ontologies or patterns are: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Ontology_Design_Patterns_._org_%28ODP%29 , http://www.ontohub.org/ , and http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository . Yes? Other places to start? (44Y3)
[11:28] PeterYim: @SteveRay - try also: http://oor.net ... note also that an ontology repository is being stood up to collect ontologies that crosses path with this Summit - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014#nid442O (44Y4)
[11:27] MichaelGruninger: @SteveRay: Oliver Kutz is coordinating efforts in Track G: Community Resources on uploading specific ontologies that arise thorughout the Summit into the open ontology repositories, particularly OntoHub (44Y5)
[11:28] MariaPoveda: I guess you already know about http://lov.okfn.org for looking for ontologies (44Y6)
[11:33] SteveRay: For the record: I was asking for a "WordNet for ontologies" (44Y7)
[11:34] MeganKatsumi: @SteveRay: We also have some experiences in looking for ontologies that capture the semantics of actors -- we can continue this discussion on the Track list (44Y8)
[11:35] AndreaWesterinen: We used annotation properties in our class definitions, wordNetSynonym, wordNetHypernym and wordNetHyponym, to capture semantics for our classes in the hopes of using this for mapping someday. (44Y9)
[11:26] GaryBergCross: MichaelGruninger I like this idea of exploring modularity... BTW AldoGangemi will be a future speaker in Track C Bottlenecks, I believe.. (44YA)
[11:26] AndreaWesterinen: @MikeBennett and MichaelGruninger +1 on modularity (44YB)
[11:29] JohnYanosy: I think there are some lessons to be learned from the Object Oriented community who had similar problems of scope of classes by developers. In early years many very large objects were created. Are there similarities? (44YC)
[11:29] GaryBergCross: @JohnMcClure So modularity might be necessary but not sufficient. It may get us to a research space that we can understand better getting there in steps. (44YD)
[11:31] MatthewWest: @AndreaWesterinen: the problem with modularity is that, as you found with FIBO, you find that if you try to use one bit, you quickly find you need to use many other modules to do anything useful. Also the separate modules have to be consistent with each other. So I think it is more useful to think in terms of core ontologies, or foundation ontologies, and domain ontologies that are essentially class libraries that give you the specific vocabulary for a domain. (44YE)
[11:32] GaryBergCross: I have to get off for another meeting.. Thanks everyone. Let's keep the discussion going on the forum. (44YF)
[11:33] SimonSpero: @AndreaWesterinen: So are you going to develop a BER/PER serialization for RDF? (44YG)
[11:33] ToddSchneider: @AndreaWesterinen, do you have an architecture for network management ontologies? (44YH)
[11:33] AmandaVizedom: This is the direction addressed by some repositories, but only currently works within those repositories. LOV most oriented toward reuse, perhaps. (44YI)
[11:34] PeterYim: @ALL: if you are not subscribed to the [ontology-summit] mailing list yet, please do so - http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-summit (or drop me a line - peter.yim [at] cim3.com) (44YJ)
[11:34] PeterYim: @all ... Session-03 will be up next Thursday- Thu 2014.01.30 (same time) - see developing details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_01_30 (44YK)
[11:34] PeterYim: Reminder to those in the organizing committee, our 5th meeting coming up tomorrow - Fri 2014.01.24 - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014/GettingOrganized#nid44G0 (44YL)
[11:35] PeterYim: We still need volunteers as co-champions in Public Relations and Program Management, if you are interested, if indicate here, email <peter.yim@cim3.com> offline, and come to our organizing committee meeting tomorrow (44YM)
[11:35] PeterYim: great session ... bye, everyone! (44YN)
[11:36] MikeBennett: Thanks all for a great session and some really directions for further exploration in the area of semantics re-use! (44YO)
[11:36] AndreaWesterinen: I will try to publish more about the network management work over the next few weeks. (44YP)
[11:38] JohnYanosy: Thanks for wonderful session. I will collaborate on some Network Management ontology issues on the listserv (44YQ)
[11:36] PeterYim: -- session ended: 11:33am PST -- (44YR)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (44DE)
- Further Question & Remarks - please post them to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv (44DF)
- all subscribers to the previous summit discussion, and all who responded to today's call will automatically be subscribed to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv (44DG)
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- (in case you aren't already a member) you may also want to join the ONTOLOG community and be subscribed to the [ ontolog-forum ] listserv, when general ontology-related topics (not specific to this year's Summit theme) are discussed. Please refer to Ontolog membership details at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid1J (44DJ)
- kindly email <peter.yim@cim3.com> if you have any question. (44DK)
Additional Resources: (44DL)
- Homepage of OntologySummit2014 (44DM)
- Links to full proceedings for previous sessions of this series can be found under the "Archives" section at their respective session pages (44DN)
- [ontology-summit] discussion archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/ (44DO)
- to subscribe to this discussion list: send a blank message from your subscribing email address to <ontology-summit-join@ontolog.cim3.net> or visit http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-summit/ and subscribe yourself there (44DP)
- OntologySummit2014 Ontology Summit Community Library (hosted on Zotero.org) - http://www.zotero.org/groups/ontologysummit2014 (44DQ)
- OntologySummit2014 Ontology Repository (hosted on OntoHub) -http://www.ontohub.org/repositories/ontology-summit-2014 (44DR)
- Homepage of the Ontology Summits - see: OntologySummit (44DS)
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- Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC (44BF)
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- During the Q&A / discussion segment (when everyone is muted), If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (again, press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*6" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (44C5)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (44C6)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com with your affiliation appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendees" list below (if you are a member of the community already.) (44C7)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_01_23 (44C8)
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Attendees (44CA)
- Attended: (inclusive of registrants) (44CB)
- MikeBennett (co-chair) (44CE)
- AndreaWesterinen (co-chair) (44CF)
- GaryBergCross (co-chair) (44CG)
- PascalHitzler (44E2)
- MeganKatsumi (44E3)
- MichaelGruninger (44E4)
- LeoObrst (44CH)
- PeterYim (44CI)
- AleksandraSojic (44YS)
- AliHashemi (44YT)
- AmandaVizedom (44YU)
- AnatolyLevenchuk (44YV)
- AnneThessen (44YW)
- BartGajderowicz (44YX)
- BobArko (44YY)
- BobSchloss (44YZ)
- CarmenChui (44Z0)
- CharlesVardeman (44Z1)
- ChristineKapp (44Z2)
- ConradBeaulieu (44Z3)
- CyndyChandler (44Z4)
- DaliaVaranka (44Z5)
- DanielMcShan (44Z6)
- DennisPierson (44Z7)
- DennisWisnosky (44Z8)
- EarlGlynn (44Z9)
- ElieAbiLahoud (44ZA)
- FabianNeuhaus (44ZB)
- FrankLoebe (44ZC)
- FranLightsom (44ZD)
- GenZou (44ZE)
- HaroldBoley (44ZF)
- HensonGraves (44ZG)
- JacobusGeluk (44ZH)
- JamesOverton (44ZI)
- JamesWilson (44ZJ)
- JeffCox (44ZK)
- JennSleeman (44ZL)
- JimSolderitsch (44ZM)
- JoelBender (44ZN)
- JohnMcClure (44ZO)
- JohnYanosy (44ZP)
- JuanGomezRomero (44ZQ)
- JulienCorman (44ZR)
- KenBaclawski (44ZS)
- KrzysztofJanowicz (44ZT)
- LianaKiff (44ZU)
- MariaPovedaVillalon (44ZV)
- MarkFox (44ZW)
- MatthewLange (44ZX)
- MatthewWest (44ZY)
- MaxGillmore (44ZZ)
- MikeCummens (4500)
- NaicongLi (4501)
- NancyWiegand (4502)
- OliverKutz (4503)
- PavithraKenjige (4504)
- QuentinReul (4505)
- RaminAyanzadeh (4506)
- RexBrooks (4507)
- RichardBeatch (4508)
- RichardMartin (4509)
- ScottHills (450A)
- ShahrulAzmanNoah (450B)
- SimonCox (450C)
- SimonSpero (450D)
- SteveRay (450E)
- SundayOjo (450F)
- TaraAthan (450G)
- TerryLongstreth (450H)
- TimFinin (450I)
- ToddSchneider (450J)
- VeruskaZamborlini (450K)
- VictorAgroskin (450L)
- Expecting: (44CD)
- ... (44CJ)
- (please add yourself to the list if you are a member of the Ontolog or OntologySummit community, or, rsvp to <peter.yim@cim3.com>) (44CK)
- Regrets: (44CL)