[CCT-Rep] CCT-Representation Project Home Page (O2)
Project Title: CCT-Representation ("[CCT-Rep]") - An Ontological Basis for ebXML Core Component Types (O3)
Current Work Products (O4)
Most Critical Task(s) At Hand: (O9)
- start a dialog with the UN/CEFACT CCTS folks (1VUN)
- ... (add content here)... (OD)
What's New: (OE)
- ...(add content here)... (OF)
- Jan. 21, 2005 - our "Response to the UN/CEFACT Core Components Working Group's CCTS (Core Component Technical Specifications) v2.01" solicitation for comments and candidate requirements for the next version was delivered to UN/CEFACT -- ref. deliverables: Memorandum and Report (1WZR)
- Dec. 1, 2004 - community work of the Ontolog Forum was released and presented at the EIDX "Semantic Harmonization" Panel Session (at Menlo Park, CA), chaired by JonBosak (OG)
- Nov. 21, 2004 - the Protege version of [cctont] v0.4 is posted for comment and continuing work by the rest of the community. See discussion thread started by PatCassidy. (OH)
- Oct. 26, 2004 - [cctont] v0.4 is released for comment by the ontolog community. See: mapping & discussion thread started by AdamPease. (OI)
- July 6, 2004 - PeterYim made a presentation about this CCT-Representation project at the Workshop at the Protege Conference - NIH (Bethesda, MD) (OJ)
- A small sub-team got together, hosted by GarretMinakawa at Oracle, to focus on getting a first version of the "CCTONT" out. See: CctRepresentation/WorkSession_2004_06_15_CCT (OK)
- Jun. 26, 2004 - [cctont] v0.3b mapping is posted for the implementation team internal review. See: mapping (OL)
- Project title and mission statement updated based on NenadIvezic's suggestions. (OM)
- This project was kicked-off on 2004.03.11, see details from proceedings of ConferenceCall_2004_03_11_CCT (ON)
Key Date(s) to Note: (OO)
- Dec. 1~3 2004 - Semantic Methodology session at EIDX Conference - Menlo Park, CA, USA (rescheduled. was: Aug. 3, 2004 - Orlando, Florida) (OP)
Project Mission (OQ)
- Goal: To influence the adoption of ontologies and ontological engineering methodologies in eBusiness standards. (OR)
- To establish an Ontological Basis for ebXML Core Component Types ("CCT") using the methodologies the [ontolog-forum] has established for the UblOntology project; engage representation and participation from the ontological engineering and standards community (particularly from the standards community that developed and implemented the core component types); and, to produce a reference CCT ontology and a report on findings and recommendations for submission to UN/CEFACT CCTS (and possibly the Harmonization) working group(s). (OS)
- Deliverable(s) (OT)
- 1. a reference ontology of approved ebXML Core Component Types ("CCTONT") (OU)
- 2. a report on findings and recommendations regarding the current CCT specifications (OV)
Project Workspace (OW)
CCONT Work Segment: Communications - Protocol - Logistics (P5)
- Communications / Discussion (via email): (P6)
- Business Case for an ontological approach: input to Business Case (PC)
- this is for collecting arguments supporting the Business Case for employing an Ontological Engineering approach to developing eBusiness standards, of which our [CCT-Rep] project - both the deliverables and the process - can serve as a reference. (PD)
- Feedback, Comments, Suggestions for the CCT-Representaion project work: /CctRep_Feedback (PE)
- this is for collecting feedback from the team, the ontolog community, the e-business standards development community, and the public at large to the CCT-Ontology development team (i.e. for incoming feedback, from ontolog's perspective) to collaboratively improve on the quality and relevance of this work. (PF)
- Draft Feedback and Recommendations for other eBusiness Standards Working Groups: /CctRep_Recommendation (PG)
- this is in preparation for the compilation of position paper(s) that the CCT-Representation project team and the Ontolog community can present to the various e-business standards development bodies (i.e. for outgoinging feedback, from ontolog's perspective) that will include (but not limited to) learnings and recommendations as a result of this work. (PH)
Project Plan (PI)
- Updated draft Work Plan: (--ppy/2004.06.15) (PJ)
- 1. Continue from AdamPease's mapping of CCT's to SUMO and get out a completed draft first version of the CCTONT. Continuously improve on that. (CCTONT being the 1st deliverable of this project) (PK)
- 2. Open up the above (item 1) Draft CCTONT for review and comments, and in particular, collect and compile "lessons learned" and appropriate feedback that we could provide to the standards development colleagues -- UBL, OAG, ebXML-CCTS WG, UN/CEFACT-TBG17, ... (PM)
- 3. Based on the work output of 1. PatCassidy moves CCTONT over to the Protege platform by employing work he's been doing in the ProtegeKIF project. Continuously improve on that. (PN)
- 4. With the KIF-based CCTONT as the normative ontology, start developing/translating/mapping it (in a "lossless" or "lossy" manner) to other languages and representations/languages/formats -- including, but not limited to (as resources and skillsets permit): OWL, XML/XSD, RDF/S, UML2/OCL, UMM/UML Class Diagram, SQL, ... and continuously improve on that. (PO)
- 5. Based on the work output in 3., put our project in front of the public (the Protege community would be a strong candidate we should target) and solicit support to help get the above (item 4) done. (The July 2004 ontolog workshop at the Protege Conference in Bethesda, MD will be a prime opportunity to get this going.) (PP)
- 6. Compile and write-up the report on findings and recommendations regarding the current CCT specifications (which is the 2nd deliverable of this project). (PQ)
- 7. Publish and submit the report in 6. to the appropriate standards body. (The August 2004 panel at the EIDX Conference (now postponed to early Dec. 2004) will be a prime platform to debut this report, or at least a draft of it, to the standards community.) (PR)
- 8. Follow-up on the liason with the standards community with an aim towards influencing the adoption of ontologies and ontological engineering methodology as part of the standards development efforts. Continuously improve on that. (PS)
- Draft Plan (as of 2004.03.11) - see update above (PT)
- Aim at doing this (first published draft) in 3 months, and open it to public review (PU)
- possible submission and presentation to UN/CEFACT CCTS (and possibly, Harmonization) Working Group(s) in/about 6 months (PV)
- Process and Timeline: (PW)
- clarify UN/CEFACT's intent, where we feel it is ambiguous - try approaching Mark Crawford, editor of CCTS, as the point person (PX)
- comments to Adam's mapping -- one month (PY)
- we'll try to take one month to draft the deliverable (PZ)
- and another month to clean it up for presentation (Q0)
- total time: 3 months (Q1)
- try to match that to the UN/CEFACT timeline (e.g. so we can formally present it at one of their face-to-face meetings) (Q2)
- they are now meeting in Bonn this week; the next meeting is probably 6 months away, probably also in Europe. (Q3)
The Team (Q5)
Reference & Links (QV)
Meetings, Conference Calls & Work Sessions (R8)