Adam, (01)
Again, I will defer to Leo, but I do trust that he is doing this
for a good reason ... also, the 3/14 agenda has actually had some
discussion on the [uos-convener] list since Leo made a first
attempt on pulling together an agenda a little while back. (02)
I do want to point out, though, that the 3/14 meeting is NOT an
open meeting, there will be no audience, per se. It is just for
the uos-conveners (outsiders will only be observers even if they
show up,) and the purpose is principally to come to some
consensus on what can be agreed to, what are still open issues
that needs to be investigated, and how can we deliver a joint
message, as a team (hopefully), to the public that will help
clarify some of the questions or misunderstandings they may have
with formal upper ontologies. (03)
I bet you guys already know each others' work well enough ... do
you really think 30 minutes will actually give you a better
chance (over 5 minutes) to convince Doug, Nicola, Barry or
Matthew, etc. one way or the other about SUMO? ... IMHO, I think
the fact that we can actually be in the same room, and be able to
realize that we can, collectively, get a better shot at this than
each of us can, alone, is going to make it for us and the entire
community. (04)
Cheers. =ppy
-- (05)
Adam Pease wrote Thu, 09 Mar 2006 16:24:30 -0800:
> Peter,
> That's good to hear. My suggestion, with all respect to Mills, would
> be to have Doug, Nicola and myself each present our views for 1/2 hour
> each from 9am to 10:30am. That's still quite limited, but might give
> the group at least some of the groundwork needed to make progress on an
> upper ontology summit.
> Adam (06)
> At 04:17 PM 3/9/2006, Peter P. Yim wrote:
>> I'll defer to each of the session chairs to answer you. However, note
>> that the 3/15am session is NOT finalized it.
>> Cheers. =ppy
>> -- (07)
>> Adam Pease wrote Thu, 09 Mar 2006 16:03:21 -0800:
>>> Folks,
>>> This is the first I've seen of an agenda and I'm puzzled that
>>> there's so little time for the three upper ontologies to present.
>>> I'm wondering why attend a meeting where (not to pick on him in
>>> particular, but) Mills Davis is presenting at two sessions for a
>>> total of an hour and a half and the upper ontologies get something
>>> like 10 minutes each? Do we have any chance to change this around
>>> and give Doug, Nicola and myself something like an hour each at some
>>> point to present our work?
>>> Shouldn't an upper ontology summit be taken up in majority by the
>>> upper ontologists?
>>> Adam (08)
>>> At 03:42 PM 3/9/2006, Peter P. Yim wrote:
>>>> Hello UOS Conveners,
>>>> 1. All three session pages with the agenda and other details are now
>>>> up (thanks to all the session chairs).
>>>> Please refer to them at:
>>>> Tue Mar. 14 AM & PM (2 sessions) - Joint Communique Preparation
>>>> Wed Mar. 15 AM Session: Upper Ontology Application Dialog
>>>> Wed Mar. 15 PM Session: Upper Ontology Summit Meeting
>>>> 2. For all who are attending on-site, we will be congregating at the
>>>> continental breakfast venue around Tue 3/14 7:30am. We will all head
>>>> over to the meeting room together after breakfast. (See:
>>>> and the map there.)
>>>> 3. For all the custodians and everyone else who are speaking (in
>>>> which case your names will be on the agendas), please make sure send
>>>> me your slides no later than noon time EST Sunday 3/12**, so that I
>>>> can upload them and link them to the agenda (we need that for remote
>>>> attendees).
>>>> Please refer to the agenda item description on content (custodians
>>>> are speaking twice, each to a different audience ... therefore,
>>>> please be specific.) Since all the talk are a few minutes, please be
>>>> succinct (I can post additional reference materials if need be, but
>>>> please don't include them in your slides.)
>>>> (3a) For Tue 3/14, I am expecting slides from: LeoObrst, PatCassidy,
>>>> DougLenat, AdamPease, NicolaGuarino/AldoGangemi (Aldo, as I
>>>> understand (correct me if I am wrong), is not going to be at this
>>>> call, therefore, Nicola will be speaking for DOLCE as well as DOLCE
>>>> D&S), MichaelGruninger, JohnBateman, BarrySmith and MatthewWest.
>>>> (3b) For Wed 3/15 morning, since Brand is still finalizing the
>>>> session agenda, I will defer to Brand to collect, upload and link
>>>> the slides to the agenda.
>>>> (3c) For Wed 3/15 afternoon, I am expecting slides from: SteveRay,
>>>> MillsDavis, DougLenat(1), PatCassidy (or another elected Joint
>>>> Communique spokesperson), DougLenat(2), AdamPease, NicolaGuarino,
>>>> AldoGangemi, MichaelGruninger, JohnBateman, BarrySmith and MatthewWest.
>>>> ** If anyone requires a bit more time, please let me know beforehand
>>>> (as I will be off on my trip Sunday night, and my access to the
>>>> Internet is not as predictable as I may wish.)
>>>> I look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday, and a successful UOS,
>>>> which, I'm positive, will be good for all of us.
>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>> --
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>>> Adam Pease
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> Adam Pease
> - Free ontologies and tools
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