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Re: [sio-dev] Fwd: [ontolog-forum] Sharing and Integrating Ontologies

To: "[sio-dev] discussion" <sio-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ron Wheeler <rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 15:42:56 -0400
Message-id: <4BBCE040.9030601@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+1 for Eclipse    (01)

I also wonder if a dependency management scheme like maven with its 
sophisticated Project Object Model (POM) capabilities a good model for 
describing and managing dependencies between ontologies.  It also has a 
plugin architecture that makes it easy to customize or extend for 
individual purposes.    (02)

Ron    (03)

On 07/04/2010 12:19 PM, John F. Sowa wrote:
> Cameron and Ali,
> I agree with Ali's use cases, and I'd like to add a few more points.
> CR>  ... what is the need for an "online" repository.  Wouldn't a
>   >  system that allows for the sharing and collaborative development
>   >  of static ontology artifacts (e.g. files) suffice?  SourceForge
>   >  comes to mind.
> The basic OOR, by itself, would be a static collection.  But the
> SIO project is intended to provide a range of tools that go far
> beyond what a static repository would provide.  So far, the
> major tools are being developed by the COLORE project at Toronto
> and the project at Bremen reported by John Bateman.  But many
> of the tools that those projects use were built by combining
> and integrating a variety of open-source software.
> I suggest Eclipse as an example:
> The original core of Eclipse was implemented by IBM as a suite
> of Java-based software development tools.  But IBM discovered that
> the required funding for continued development and support would
> exceed their expected revenue.  So they decided to contribute the
> software to open source *and* to collaborate with other vendors
> in an open-source project.
> See the following list of members (which includes nearly all the
> major IT vendors except Microsoft):
> Eclipse contains an amazing range of tools and resources.
> Java is the language used to develop the Eclipse platform,
> but it now supports all the major languages and paradigms
> for software development.
> I wouldn't expect the SIO project to compete with Eclipse,
> but it might be used as a "plug-in" to Eclipse and/or other
> development platforms.
> The Eclipse model is also a good one to emulate:  the core
> is free and open source, and more open-source software is
> being contributed on an ongoing basis.  But members and users
> are encouraged to use Eclipse as a base for developing and
> including products, services, and applications.
> In fact, Eclipse supports some commercial "application frameworks"
> which "can be used as functional building blocks to accelerate the
> software development process. Unlike developer tools, application
> frameworks are deployed with the actual applications":
> Eclipse runs on all major platforms, including Linux, UNIX, MAC,
> and Windows, and it's available for free download on any of those
> systems.  At VivoMind, we use it as a base for software development.
> We should design the SIO tools in such a way that they could be
> used either standalone or as a plug-in to Eclipse or other
> development platforms.
> John
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