[ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please do not share
or forward message without consent from the team! *** ] (01)
Then we'll have to go without me (John) getting any funding. I can't
push a COI list to you at this late date, it would put my position at
MBARI at significant risk. (Since many have emphasized funding
decisions are not to be made until later, it seems hard to say who
will be getting funding anyway, doesn't it?) (02)
I will ask Luis to get you a COI list. He is the more necessary
person to get funding anyway. But it would be nice if we can send him
the entire writeup. (03)
I'm afraid the changes you sent, in file desc.pdf, do not include any
changes to the paragraph that is of most interest to me (3.3, fourth
paragraph). (Possibly you copied the first paragraph in my email,
which was the original paragraph?) My suggested paragraph was the one
copied here. (04)
========== (05)
The Marine Metadata Interoperability (MMI) project team will
collaborate with the OOR project to integrate MMI project work with
the OOR effort. Coordinated by Principal Investigator John Graybeal of
the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, MMI has as its key
mission objective developing a broad community presence to address
marine metadata issues. The MMI project is uniquely positioned to
understand community needs, address those needs in open and broadly
applicable ways, and obtain community engagement and buy-in for open
solutions. With Technical Lead Carlos Rueda and contributor Luis
Bermudez (Southeastern Universities Research Association), MMI's
pioneering work developing a community semantic architecture and
ontology repository will provide key insights and building blocks for
the OOR project. MMI's marine science solutions are equally valuable
and viable in most environmental communities, and a natural
progression of the effort; several environmental science communities
are represented at our semantic interoperability workshops. (06)
========= (07)
John (08)
On Nov 5, 2008, at 7:56 PM, Ken Baclawski wrote: (09)
> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please
> do not share or forward message without consent from the team! *** ]
> I made the changes you suggested. Please check the attached updated
> version to be sure I captured your intent.
> Incidentally, you need to supply a COI list even if you are not a co-
> PI or senior personnel. Anyone who will be receiving any funding
> from the project must supply this list. It includes co-authors
> (last 48 months), advisors, advisees, members of advisory boards
> that you belong to (last 48 months). Check the NSF GPG for the
> details.
> -- Ken
> On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, John Graybeal wrote:
>> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please
>> do not share or forward message without consent from the team! *** ]
>> Ken, it all looks pretty impressive. I hope we can engage in a
>> broader collaboration at the earliest opportunity.
>> There are some changes needed in this paragraph, please [original
>> presented below]:
>> John Graybeal, Luis Bermudez and their team at the Monterey Bay
>> Aquarium Research Institute will be
>> cooperating with the OOR team to integrate The Marine Metadata
>> Interoperability (MMI) project with the
>> OOR. MMI has the key mission objective of developing a broad
>> community
>> presence to address marine
>> metadata issues. This puts us in a unique position to understand
>> community needs, address those needs
>> in open and broadly applicable ways, and obtain community engagement
>> and buy-in for open solutions.
>> Please consider this rewording (as Luis is not an MBARI person and I
>> think this doesn't put MMI or my role in the best possible way given
>> our circumstances):
>> The Marine Metadata Interoperability (MMI) project team will
>> collaborate with the OOR project to integrate MMI project work with
>> the OOR effort. Coordinated by Principal Investigator John Graybeal
>> of
>> the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, MMI has as its key
>> mission objective developing a broad community presence to address
>> marine metadata issues. The MMI project is uniquely positioned to
>> understand community needs, address those needs in open and broadly
>> applicable ways, and obtain community engagement and buy-in for open
>> solutions. With Technical Lead Carlos Rueda and contributor Luis
>> Bermudez (Southeastern Universities Research Association), MMI's
>> pioneering work developing a community semantic architecture and
>> ontology repository will provide key insights and building blocks for
>> the OOR project. MMI's marine science solutions are equally valuable
>> and viable in most environmental communities, and a natural
>> progression of the effort; several environmental science communities
>> are represented at our semantic interoperability workshops.
>> The last 2 sentences can be omitted if you have an issue with them,
>> but I think they support the lead-in of 3.3. You can drop "Technical
>> Lead Carlos Rueda and" if that is an issue for someone; I can't see
>> that it should be, given his role.
>> On that topic, 3.3 presents 4 domains, but then the fourth paragraph
>> after that buries the 4th domain after a different one. Readers might
>> get confused if the Michelle Raymond sentence isn't the first one
>> mentioned. Not sure what the fit is for the first sentence (Kate)
>> vis-
>> a-vis the list at the top; if it's meant to be part of Climate and
>> Environment, I'd make it a separate paragraph: "The Climate and
>> Evironment sector also includes the man-made environment, a diverse
>> sector..."
>> Glad you found a good use for the text I recently sent, that was
>> clever!
>> Thank you very much for putting this together. I would like to talk
>> to you after the submission about the future solicitations MMI is
>> pursuing, and which ones may be suitable for broader, more explicit
>> collaboration in the area of ontology repository development.
>> John
>> P.S. I will copy the text above only to Luis, just for his
>> appreciation of how he is being mentioned. I trust that small sharing
>> is OK.
>> On Nov 5, 2008, at 5:45 PM, Ken Baclawski wrote:
>>> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please
>>> do not share or forward message without consent from the team! *** ]
>>> I incorporated the changes to the annual plans. Peter Yim already
>>> gave me material describing the Ontology Summit 2008.
>>> I changed to the Arial font at 10 point, and the description easily
>>> fits into the 7 page limit. In fact, there is a little bit of space
>>> available if we want to add any additional material. The latest
>>> description is attached.
>>> -- Ken
>>> On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Michelle Raymond wrote:
>>>> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please
>>>> do not share or forward message without consent from the team!
>>>> *** ]
>>>> Ken,
>>>> Two comments:
>>>> 1) It is not required that the DataNet Partner be fully
>>>> self-sustaining within the first five years. A second round of
>>>> funding may be available to transition. Of course, it is good to
>>>> get
>>>> as self-sustaining as possible; but, it would not be good to do
>>>> so at
>>>> the expense of research.
>>>> 2) The Ontology Summit 2008 Communique hasn't been in a
>>>> publication,
>>>> but perhaps could be referenced within the document.
>>>> Suggestion for addressing 1):
>>>> Year 1: Gathering of requirements from the initial communities
>>>> being
>>>> targeted by the OOR.
>>>> Development of APIs and planning for adaptation and integration of
>>>> the
>>>> existing ontology
>>>> repository platforms. Frontier research start up in areas defined
>>>> by
>>>> vision. Education
>>>> and outreach programs are limited to selected subcommunities.
>>>> ? Year 2: Completion of the first release of the OOR platform.
>>>> Initial
>>>> delivery of OOR services
>>>> to the targeted communities. Feedback from the communities will be
>>>> gathered for use in the
>>>> next phase. Planning begins for the second release. Frontier
>>>> research
>>>> focus on DataNet
>>>> infrastructure enablers.
>>>> Education and outreach programs expand but remain within the
>>>> targeted
>>>> communities.
>>>> ? Year 3: Development of the second release begins, based on
>>>> lessons
>>>> learned. Education and
>>>> outreach programs expand beyond the targeted communities to other
>>>> DataNet partners. Delivery
>>>> of OOR services to additional research communities. Frontier
>>>> research
>>>> focus on community
>>>> interaction enablers. Framework for incorporating research results
>>>> designed.
>>>> ? Year 4: Second release of the OOR platform. Education and
>>>> outreach
>>>> expands to include
>>>> commercial and industrial communities. Transition to self-
>>>> sustaining
>>>> OOR begins with planning
>>>> for the organization structure. Frontier research expansion
>>>> encouraged. Framework for incorporating
>>>> research results integrated into the OOR.
>>>> ? Year 5: Transition toward fully self-sustaining mode. Frontier
>>>> research expansion continues and
>>>> framework for incorporating results back into OOR exercised.
>>>> Education
>>>> and outreach are now the
>>>> primary role played by the project.
>>>> Suggestion for addressing 2): Annually the Ontolog Forum hosts an
>>>> Ontology Summit, which makes a statement appropriate to each
>>>> Summit's
>>>> theme as part of our general advocacy designed to bring ontology
>>>> science and engineering into the mainstream. The theme for 2008 is
>>>> "Towards an Open Ontology Repository". This resulting communiqué
>>>> represents the joint position of those who were engaged in the
>>>> year's
>>>> summit discourse on an Open Ontology Repository (OOR) and of over
>>>> 60
>>>> endorsements from around the world. Leo Obrst and Mark Musen were
>>>> lead editors for the 2008 Communique which can be found at:
>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2008_Communique
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Michelle Raymond
>>>> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Ken Baclawski <kenb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please
>>>>> do not share or forward message without consent from the team!
>>>>> *** ]
>>>>> On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Michelle Raymond wrote:
>>>>>> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only -
>>>>>> please do not share or forward message without consent from the
>>>>>> team! *** ]
>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>> Wow, nice work. What time does this need to be time-stamped
>>>>>> tomorrow?
>>>>> COB.
>>>>>> How fine-of-a-toothed comb do we need for review to have a
>>>>>> reasonable
>>>>>> assurance of getting a request for full proposal?
>>>>> We should focus on covering the requirements as well as possible
>>>>> in the
>>>>> project description.
>>>>>> I'm torn between reading this now and checking in with the
>>>>>> cheering
>>>>>> neighbors in the street.
>>>>> Enjoy,
>>>>> -- Ken
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>>> Wiki:
>> John
>> --------------
>> John Graybeal <mailto:graybeal@xxxxxxxxx> -- 831-775-1956
>> Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
>> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
>> _________________________________________________________________
>> Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-nsf07601/
>> Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/project/OOR/nsf07601/
>> Wiki:
> <desc.pdf>
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> Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-nsf07601/
> Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/project/OOR/nsf07601/
> Wiki:
>http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository_Proposal/Nsf_07601 (010)
John (011)
John Graybeal <mailto:graybeal@xxxxxxxxx> -- 831-775-1956
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org (012)
Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-nsf07601/
Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/project/OOR/nsf07601/
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository_Proposal/Nsf_07601 (013)