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Re: [oor-forum] Todd Schneider's requirements summary

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 22:22:33 -0500
Message-id: <p06230905c431b63b8999@[]>
At 10:29 AM -0400 4/18/08, dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Denise's comments --

--->>> I've heard both notions bandied about. Operationally, I think [an] OORx
        will have both types of entities. Some organizations will want to have
        or provide persistence while others may only wish to host a registry.
        This is an architectural decision that will need to be made. In my mind
        I think the functionality among a registry and a repository can be
        partitioned in such a way that will allow plug-n-play deployment and

Thanks for the reply.   In one of the panel sessions there was a discussion
about the different set of requirements for actually storing versus describing

I think there are other distinctions to be made. Describing ontologies is surely to be done by an ontology of ontologies. Being a registry involves providing access to ontologies, perhaps providing limited meta-information about them and a uniform interface for registering them, maintaining updates and so on. None of this need involve actually storing ontologies, which is what a repository is supposed to do. Personally, I see absolutely no purpose in our even discussing methods for storing ontologies, given the presence of the Web. That is a matter of network engineering, not a topic that this forum should even be concerning itself with, IMO.

 At least two of the speakers agreed that two distinct data models
underlie storing an ontology and describing an ontology.  The overlap between
thosee data models -- from my experience working with and describing ontologies
each day

May I ask what are these ontologies that you deal with so often? I am surprised to hear that this many ontologies actually exist. What kinds of formalism are they written in?

-- will be quite minimal.   So, in our requirements for an OOR, are we
targeting the set that is common to both a repository and a registry?

        I will argue for a distributed non-hierarchal architecture (e.g. flat
        P2P) to meet operational needs.

Whether a registry is centralized or distributed is of less import to the
registry design.   The underlying data model for an ontology repository, though,
cannot be restricted to a question of a hierarchical or non-hierarchical
architecture.   The first design issue is which ongology components must be
accommodated in the data model, then what type of an architecture is needed to
represent each of those components.  A registry can tell us what types of
components a particular ontology may have, but it may not -- without a more
explicit data model - be able to house those components.

I find this all very opaque. What do you mean by a 'component' of an ontology?

Pat Hayes
IHMC               (850)434 8903 or (650)494 3973   home
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