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Re: [oor-forum] Todd Schneider's requirements summary

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Todd Schneider <tschneider@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 17:01:26 -0400
Message-id: <4807BAA6.8030002@xxxxxxxxx>
Evan,    (01)

> This is great.  Thanks for compiling it.    (02)

--->>> It's still a draft. But to facilitate discussion towards an operational
        system I thought such clarification is needed.    (03)

        I think the upcoming summit will be a huge success if we gain consensus
        on the majority of the requirements, especially the more contentious
        ones.    (04)

Todd    (05)

> -Evan
> Todd Schneider wrote:
>> Evan,
>>> I have seen little discussion exploring architectures for an OOR.  
>>> Perhaps this
>>> is because the requirements are still in flux.  
>> I've been negligent in not posting a list of high-level requirements I've
>> gleaned from what has been posted and the past three weeks presentations.
>> Todd
>> ========================================================================
>> Goals of the Open Ontology Repository
>> -------------------------------------
>>   Provide an architecture and an infrastructure that supports the
>>    a) Storing,
>>    b) Sharing,
>>    c) Searching,
>>    d) Governance,
>>    e) Management of Ontologies.
>> Requirements, High Level - Candidate 2
>> --------------------------------------
>> Assumptions
>> -----------
>>   1. Not all capabilities will be implemented at any single version.
>>   2. The architecture will evolve. There will be multiple versions each 
>>      implanting additional capabilities and/or evolving the previous version.
>>   3. Instance data, which are themselves not ontologies, will not be stored 
>>      the repository
>>   4. The repository will meet the needs of operational or commercial systems.
>>   5. Applicable standards will be used.
>> General
>> -------
>>   1. The repository architecture shall be scalable
>>   2. The repository shall be distributed.
>>   3. The specification of the repository shall be sufficiently detailed and
>>      platform independent to allow multiple implementations.
>>   4. The repository shall be capable of supporting ontologies in languages 
>>      have reasoners.
>>   5. The repository architecture shall support distributed repositories.
>>   6. The repository architecture shall not require a hierarchical structure.
>> Discovery
>> ---------
>>   1. The repository shall provide metadata capabilities to support
>>     a. search capabilities,
>>     b. governance process,
>>     c. management
>>   2. The repository shall provide a content discovery mechanism that supports
>>      discovery by
>>     a) domain
>>     b) author/creator/source
>>     c) version
>>     d) usage
>>     e) language
>>     f) terminology
>>     g) quality
>> Search
>> ------
>>   1. The repository shall provide a capability to
>>     a. search locally
>>     b. search globally
>>   2. The repository shall provide a capability to ‘browse’ a repository
>>     a. locally
>>     b. globally
>>   3. The repository shall provide a mechanism to support semantic searches.
>> Subscription/Notification
>> -------------------------
>>   1. The repository shall provide the ability for a user to subscribe to/for
>>      alerts associated with one or more repository items.
>>   2. The repository shall provide the ability for a user to subscribe to/for
>>      automatic updates of one or more repository items.
>> Management
>> ----------
>>   1. The repository shall provide a mechanism to enforce access policies
>>   2. The repository shall provide a mechanism to enforce submission policies
>>   3. The repository shall provide a mechanism to enforce governance policies
>>   4. The repository shall provide a mechanism to enforce ‘tracking’ policies
>>   5. The repository shall provide a mechanism to create usage reports
>>   6. The repository shall provide syntax validation mechanisms
>>   7. The repository shall provide a logical consistency checking mechanism
>>   8. The repository shall provide a mechanism to automatically categorize a
>>      submission
>>   9.The repository shall provide a mechanism to maintain state change of
>>     repository items (i.e. versioning)
>>   10. The repository shall provide user and administrator access control
>>       mechanisms
>> Governance
>> ---------
>>   1. The repository shall provide explicit machine usable/accessible 
>>      semantics
>>   2. The repository shall provide a mechanism to avoid intellectual property 
>>      related legal issues/problems
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>> Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository 
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>     (06)

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