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Re: [oor-forum] Thoughts on OOR architecture possibilities

To: "'OpenOntologyRepository-discussion'" <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Patrick Cassidy" <pat@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 23:20:42 -0400
Message-id: <078401c8a103$2ee6a360$8cb3ea20$@com>
  Offline question:
  Do you know of a publicly available utility that translates OWL into KIF
or any other CL-compliant language?    (01)

Pat    (02)

Patrick Cassidy
cell: 908-565-4053
cassidy@xxxxxxxxx    (03)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oor-forum-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Evan Wallace
> Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:51 PM
> To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion
> Subject: [oor-forum] Thoughts on OOR architecture possibilities
> I have seen little discussion exploring architectures for an OOR.
> Perhaps this
> is because the requirements are still in flux.  Still, I think we can
> safely make
> some assumptions about minimum requirements and start exploring
> options.
> The remainder of this email does just this.
> ***************************************************************
>     Open Ontology Repository Architecture possibilities
>   Bare minimum requirements:
>   1) Need to support ontologies in at least OWL and Common Logic (CL).
>   2) Need to provide means for users to Discover content via browsing
>     and query of exposed elements of the content and metadata related
> to
>     that content.
>   3) Need to serve content reliably in an appropriate standard exchange
> form
>     and using protocols associated with each content type.
>   4) Need to provide persistent and available access to this content
>     and associated metadata for multiple versions as the content
> evolves.
>   I would characterize requirements 1 and 2 as requirements on a
>   Registry functionality and 3 and 4 as requirements on a Repository
>   functionality of an OOR.
>   Below I discuss some possible architectures for an OOR to meet these
>   requirements.  I am somewhat familiar with ebXML RegRep and XMDR, so
>   below are some architectures for repositories that would use these
>   specifications.  There may well be other, as good or better,
>   alternatives.  If there are, people should decribe them as well, so
>   that we can flesh out all the alternatives and compare them.
>   Some possible OOR architectures:
>   A) Reuse and extend OMV infrastructure to add CL specific
>     enhancements.  OMV already provides rich support for the above
>     needs (not sure about version management) for OWL based content.
>     This is built on an ebXML based RegistryRepository.
>   B) Create a MOF (Meta Object Facility) profile for ebXML RegRep and
>     then use metamodels defined in the OMG Ontology Management
> Metamodel
>     (ODM) to store content.
>      Would need to:
>      - define models for related metadata (use and extend OMV?) which
>        would work across supported content metamodels,
>      - find or develop software to convert between MOF and exchange
>        forms,
>      - build query/browse front-end that works with content and
> metadata,
>   C) Use an XMDR repository.
>      Not sure what is needed to extend the infrastructure for XMDR (as
>      described in Bruce's slides [1]) to meet the above requirements.
>      XMDR should be able to support a range of forms for conceptual
>      models including CL and OWL, but with OWL and RDF tools sprinkled
>      around the diagram on slide 16, I am not sure if all functions
>      would work on all formats.  Clearly the MDR pedigree should mean
>      excellent support for some kinds of metadata at both the model
>      and model element level.  But some extensions will be required to
>      support language specific notions like Description Logic
> expressivity.
>   D) Use multiple distinct infrastructures supporting different
>      formats which would then be federated to appear as a single
>      repository via one of any of number of mechanisms (redirection,
>      front-ending by a single system, front-ending by a federation of
>      systems each of which wrap specialized systems).
>   We probably should create a set of questions to ask about each
>   OOR alternative architecture, the answers to which could be used to
>   evaluate the alternatives.
>   BTW - I don't think that the OWL Lite profile for ebXML RegRep should
>   be used for OOR.  The profile provides both more and less than what
> we
>   need even for managing OWL-only content and doesn't address any FOL
>   content forms.
>   BTW2 - There was some email discussion about exploiting the
>   relationship of OWL as isomorphic with a fragment of First Order
> Logic
>   to simplify some part of this infrastructure, say the Repository, by
>   supporting only a FOL form (such as CL).  This could work, but I am
>   not sure that it buys you much.  Most users and tools for OWL
> ontologies
>   will want to browse, refer to, and import OWL forms so we will have
> to
>   provide interfaces and export forms in OWL anyway.  But we will have
>   created the task of defining the fragment and dealing with new
> round-tripping
>   issues that the transformations between OWL and this fragment will
> create.
>   Also, will not the difference in semantics between OWL DL and OWL
> Full
> also
>   complicate this approach?
> -Evan
> Evan K. Wallace
> Manufacturing Systems Integration Division
> [1]
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OpenOntologyRepository/2008-02-
> 28_Ontology-Repository-Landscape/XMDR-input-to-Open-Ontology-
> Registry_v2--BruceBargmeyer_20080228.pdf
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