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Re: [oor-dev] OOR-sandbox admin portal access [was - Re: browsingerrors

To: OpenOntologyRepository-development <oor-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Mike Dean <mdean@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 00:38:43 -0500
Message-id: <EBACA5B4-660E-4287-A8D2-117F6B11762E@xxxxxxx>
> Peter and Mike please confirm you can access Admin portal @
> http://oor-01f.cim3.net:8080/bioportal_admin/login.jsf    (01)

I'm now able to login.    (02)

I see that the ontologies parsed at 11:30 and that Search now works!  However, 
we're now getting exceptions from the Explore links in the Browse window, e.g. 
[1].    (03)

Thanks to Paul, Misha, Tejas, and Jim for your help.    (04)

        Mike    (05)

[1] http://oor-01f.cim3.net/visualize/10003    (06)

> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:53 PM, Jim Chatigny <jchatign@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> In case it helps, here are my notes from installing the admin webapp. There
>> were a couple of issues: (a) the application id has to be set properly in
>> build.xml; and (b) there was a missing jar file. I seem to recall one or
>> another may have resulted in an "invalid credentials" error message.
>> In any case, the procedure ultimately worked OK for me.
>> Jim
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Peter Yim [mailto:peter.yim@xxxxxxxx]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:31 PM
>>> To: Tejas Parikh
>>> Cc: oor-dev
>>> Subject: [oor-dev] OOR-sandbox admin portal access [was - Re:
>>> browsingerrors in new sandbox]
>>> Thanks, Tejas ...
>>> ... I still can't get in (to the admin portal) though.
>>> Guess we need help from the NCBO/BioPortal folks here ... Paul? Misha?
>>> Thanks in advance.  =ppy
>>> --
>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Tejas Parikh
>>> <tejas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Peter,
>>>> The steps to make user account an admin account do not seem to be
>>>> right. I tried making my account an admin account and it
>>> did not work.
>>>> I used following steps:
>>>> bioportal databse, ncbo.l.role table, what is the id for
>>>> ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR (e.g., 2824). Then, look in the
>>> ncbo_user table for
>>>> your user (firstname and lastname col), and write down the user id
>>>> from the id column (e.g. 38312). Then go to ncbo_user_role
>>> table and
>>>> edit the row that contains your user id in the user_id
>>> column, and put
>>>> in the role_id column the administrator role id. E.g.
>>>> (user_id:38312,role_id:2824). Restart the backend and try
>>> to log into
>>>> the bioportal_admin
>>>> Ken Baclawski, Mike Gruninger and Leo Obrst have not
>>> created account
>>>> on oor-01f.cim3.net sandbox yet. Once they create their
>>> accounts I can
>>>> make them admins.
>>>> --Tejas
>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:15 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Tejas,
>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>> Have you created accounts for me and Mike, or do we have to create
>>>>> our own. If the latter, please advise how.
>>>>> I actually already have an account ( username = PeterYim)
>>> created on
>>>>> oor-01, and it still works on oor-01f. However, when I use
>>> that set
>>>>> of credentials at the admin login, I am getting a "Invalid
>>>>> credentials supplied" error. ... Any idea?
>>>>> Also, please provide Ken Baclawski, Mike Gruninger and Leo
>>> Obrst with
>>>>> access the admin portal as well.
>>>>> Thanks & regards.  =ppy
>>>>> --
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Tejas Parikh
>>> <tejas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Enabled ontology parser.
>>>>>> # Ontology Parse Scheduler properties
>>>>>> # Enable/Disable scheduler service flag
>>>>>> ontology.parse.scheduler.enabled=true
>>>>>> # Scheduler cron expression
>>>>>> # Fire once every hour, at 30 past the hour: 0 30 * * * ? *
>>>>>> ontology.parse.scheduler.cronexpression=0 30 * * * ? *
>>>>>> Also installed BioPortal Admin. It can be accessed at
>>>>>> http://oor-01f.cim3.net:8080/bioportal_admin/login.jsf
>>> and made Mike
>>>>>> Dean and Peter Yim administrators using the steps given in the
>>>>>> install guide.
>>>>>> Mike / Peter can you try to login and confirm that you
>>> are able to
>>>>>> access the bioportal admin portal.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> --Tejas
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