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Re: [oor-dev] browsing errors in new sandbox

To: OpenOntologyRepository-development <oor-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Paul R Alexander <palexander@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:28:07 -0800
Message-id: <4B5F5057.2020301@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Search doesn't return results because I don't think that the parser has processed the ontologies that have been loaded. If you look at the REST service [1], you'll see that the statusId for ontology 10018 (Basic RDF Geo Vocabulary) is set to 1, which indicates the system is 'awaiting action'. There's a cron statement in the build.properties file on the BioPortal Core that allows you to configure how often the parser will run:
ontology.parse.scheduler.cronexpression=0/10 * * * * ? *

This does rely on cron to operate, so that needs to be available on the machine. Also, the bioportal_admin app can be used to parse ontologies in a one-off or batch process.

As for the "Most popular search" problem, I'll have to check with out Flex developer and get back to you.


[1] http://oor-01f.cim3.net:8080/bioportal/ontologies/10018

On 1/25/10 9:03 PM, Mike Dean wrote:
Paul and Tejas,

Thanks very much for identifying and correcting these problems.  I can now Browse and start to Search in [1].

However, Search doesn't seem to return any results and the Status column of Browse is always empty (while BioPortal [2] typically has an Explore link).  Does this mean that the ontologies failed to load, or is there some other problem?

Also, I notice that the Search page has populated boxes for "Most popular searches" and "Recent searches" that probably weren't (successfully) performed on this instance. They seem to be coming from BioPortal itself, i.e. if I perform a search at [2], it shows up in the Recent searches list at [1] and its results are shown under Matching Terms.



[1] http://oor-01f.cim3.net

[2] http://bioportal.bioontology.org

On Jan 25, 2010, at 10:03 PM, Tejas Parikh wrote:

I will go ahead and update the code for BioPortal UI on OOR sandbox.


On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Paul R Alexander
<palexander@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This was a bug that had been fixed in the BioPortal UI trunk but not the
branch that OOR has deployed. I just merged the changes from the trunk to
the OOR branch and if the code is updated this should go away.

Note: There are some config changes in the environment.rb file that will
need to be made for this update to work.

Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.


On 1/24/10 9:04 AM, Mike Dean wrote:

I'm often but erratically getting the error below when I browse specific
ontologies (i.e. click Browse and then the ontology name or abbreviation,
e.g. [1]) using the new sandbox.

I originally thought this was consistently happening with several small
(less than 50K byte) ontologies/vocabularies I loaded on Friday, but it now
seems to happen (somewhat intermittently) with other ontologies as well.
Logging-in/out, restarting Safari, or switching to Firefox doesn't seem to
make a significant difference.


[1] http://oor-01f.cim3.net/ontologies/10018

[2] http://oor-01f.cim3.net

ArgumentError in Ontologies#show

Showing ontologies/show.html.erb where line #522 raised:

undefined class/module OntologyMetricsWrapper
Extracted source (around line #522):

519: 		for the most recent version are reflected.
520: 		<%= link_to "See metrics descriptions",
"http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php/Ontology_Metrics" %>
521: 	</p>
522: 	<% if @ontology.metrics.empty? %>
523: 		<h2 style="padding-left: 1em;">We have not yet calculated metrics for
this ontology.</h2>
524: 	<% else %>
525: 		<table class="form">

RAILS_ROOT: /usr/local/bioportal/bioportalui_oor

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/models/data_access.rb:168:in `getOntologyMetrics'
app/models/ontology_wrapper.rb:160:in `metrics'
app/controllers/ontologies_controller.rb:66:in `show'
/usr/bin/mongrel_rails:19:in `load'



Show session dump




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