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[ontology-summit] Standard way to define URIs in ontologies for the SW

To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Rommel Carvalho <rommel.carvalho@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:57:19 -0300
Message-id: <CAL-DE1Ah=+wOjrz=kbKZOu2C-OzHfOtyhiGNtSv-qeME2P2siw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi all,

I am currently working for the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) and right now I am involved in the open data initiative here in Brazil (which is one of our main goals in the Open Government Partnership - OGP). At this moment, we are creating documents that are going to drive how the different agencies should publish their data as open data in the Web. One of the things we will address in these documents is how to define the URI for the different ontologies we will be creating. I was hoping you could point me to the right direction on where I can find information on best practices to define URIs for ontologies in the Semantic Web. Is there some kind of standard for this?


Dr. Rommel N. Carvalho
Postdoctoral Research Associate

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