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[ontology-summit] Discussion: Ontologies for Federation and Integration

To: "Ontology Summit 2012 discussion (ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Cory Casanave <cory-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 15:55:23 -0500
Message-id: <B958E6B1BCD5114789747469E80A8762B7F31E9C56@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

As the session on Ontology for Federation and Integration of Systems is coming up March 1st, I would like to start some discussion on the topic; here are a few questions to think about:


·         What are the special capabilities ontologies have to offer for federation and integration that are not served by more traditional federation and integrations approaches such as ETL, SOA, Event Systems, etc?

·         What features of current ontologies, or related inference capabilities,  are or are not particularly useful for federation and integration?

·         Are upper and/or mid ontologies useful and/or necessary for semantic integration and federation?

·         Where do existing ontological languages such as OWL, CL or basic FOL meet or not meet the needs of federation and integration?

·         What is the relationship between conceptual modeling and and/or logical models and ontologies?

·         What tools ,standards or other capabilities are missing?

·         If ontologies solve this problem, why isn’t the problem solved?


The intent is not to answer all of these but to spur discussion on topics of your choosing.



Cory Casanave



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