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Re: [ontology-summit] [BigSystems]different stakeholders different needs

To: Ontology Summit 2012 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: joseph simpson <jjs0sbw@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 18:36:59 -0800
Message-id: <CAPnyebxeBOq+NkpMOem28AcF+=mVip9KN-bEKNMJFVZXfMbA0w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

In very large system activities, like redesigning the Army or redesigning the Coast Guard, a system integrator acts on behalf of the customer.  The customer was not one of the roles listed. 

A system integrator will perform the tasks that the customer has instructed and authorized.  Which can be very different, depending on the contract.

Again we are talking about very large system production and deployment.

Systems that cost 100's of billions of dollars.

Have fun,


On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Paul Tyson <phtyson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sun, 2012-02-19 at 08:36 -0800, joseph simpson wrote:
> In this sense a system integrator is a highly specialized role that
> facilitates the realization of the customer system given a set of
> objectives, requirements, components, suppliers and other resources.

But what special information needs or habits do system integrators have
that differ significantly from the other stakeholder groups I mentioned?

My point in this thread is not to exhaustively classify stakeholders of
big systems. I mainly want to set up discussion about whether there
really is, can be, or should be "one ontology to rule them all" when it
comes to any particular big system (or big systems in general). This
assumption appears in many guises: "product lifecycle management",
"enterprise information bus", "master data management", "single source
of truth" to name a few. It is a research opportunity to determine
whether suboptimizing each stakeholder's cognitive work patterns by
imposing a universal ontology actually improves overall enterprise
performance. (I say "suboptimize" because theory and anecdotal evidence
indicates this to be so, but that itself should be proved.)


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Joe Simpson

Sent From My DROID!!

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