The registration for either on-site attendance, or for remote
participation, is now open for this year’s Ontology Summit. Attendance is
free – there is no registration fee.
To register for on-site attendance at the National Institute
of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD, please go to
To register for remote participation, please go instead to
the ontolog link at
to add your name to the list. (Please don’t also register at the NIST
site because it costs NIST some dollars for each on-site participant).
Activity has been heating up on this year’s theme: Toward
Ontology-based Standards, so please check the website
to see what has already happened, and what is still scheduled to happen as we
approach the April 6-7 face-to-face meeting.
I look forward to seeing (or at least hearing) you at these
upcoming events.
Steven R. Ray, Ph.D.
Chair, Ontology Summit 2009
Phone: (650) 587-3780 (CA)
(202) 362-5059 (DC)