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[ontology-summit-advisors] Need your support - OntologySummit2013 Softwa

To: OntologySummit2013 Advisory Committee <ontology-summit-advisors@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 19:31:04 -0700
Message-id: <CAGdcwD05-s9aUmB+CYkmVRgkidEwznmHJ6LXSGTSxoNux9Prhw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Ontology Summit Advisors,    (01)

I am writing to ask if you (or get your colleagues) to fill out the
survey at http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/OntologySummit2013_Survey in
support of the Ontology Summit this year. It is specifically targeted
at tool providers (developers or stewards of ontology software tools
and systems) and your response on tools that you are developing or
hosting will help the entire community get a clearer picture on the
tools landscape and what the state-of-the art is. It should only take
about 15~20 minutes, answering a bunch of Yes/No questions(with space
for additional remarks, of course.)    (02)

In order to complete the survey, you will need to first log in on that
wiki site. The login link will be on your right after you point your
browser to the above url. Your username and password would be the same
as those you are using at the current OntologWiki
... in case you don't already have one, or you ran into any issue,
please contact me, or simply use [ guest / ontolog-guest ] to log in.    (03)

Once you have logged in, then put in the name of your
software/tool/system (e.g. "Protege") and click on the button to
continue with the survey. The first tab includes mostly metadata about
your software; after you filled those out, then please move
progressively onto the next 7 tabs to respond to the questionnaire.
You can save at any stage (and return to work on this further, or at a
later date, come back and update the information.) On a "save" the
system will generate the results collected so far. From that results
page, you can always go back to the survey by click on the "Return to
the survey" link at the top of that page.    (04)

Note that the "first load", and the "save" is very slow (possibly over
a minute); so please be patient.    (05)

The link: http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/Category:OntologySummit2013_Survey
... will take you to a listing of the softwares that have responded.
Therefore, it provides an easy way to get back to your own
questionnaire too.    (06)

Since we need to compile the results for release at the Summit
Symposium (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, May 2~3,) your completing this by
Tue Apr-23 is much appreciated.    (07)

Feel free to email or call me if you have any question. The results
will, of course, be openly available, and will be of appreciated by
anyone interested in developing of applying ontologies.    (08)

Thanks in advance,
MikeDenny & PeterYim    (09)

p.s. additionally, two very important reminders: *** Please Note ***    (010)

1. registration for the on-site attendance of the OntologySummit2013
Symposium (at NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, May 2~3) is closing on
Monday Apr-22. So please register now if you haven't already. see:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013_Symposium#nid3P4F    (011)

2. We are expecting to have the Communique ready by the time of the
Symposium (no more wordsmithing of that document at the face-to-face
this time) and, as advised earlier, we are expecting all Advisors to
endorse the Communique (on an opt-out basis.) The development of that
document is going very well, and the deadline for substantive input is
Tue Apr-23. Please take a look and provide your feedback -
--    (012)

Committee Msg Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit-advisors/ 
Subscriber Config: 
Community Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2013/ 
Community Discussion: : http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/ 
Community Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013 
Community Portal: http://ontolog.cim3.net/wiki/     (013)
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