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Re: [ontolog-forum] Migration of ontolog-forum mailing list

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 09:41:34 -0700
Message-id: <CAGdcwD3FNhzZVb+Rc5wY7OOGV2_nsjQHgRqYwPO0ss5y2JseQA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
John, Ken and All,    (01)

> [JFS]
>  1. Will the new archives be freely available?
>  2. How will they be linked to the old Ontolog archives?
>  3. How long will the old Ontolog archives be available?
> [KenL]
> 4. How do we search consistently across archives?
> 5. How do we export the archives *when* at some point in the future we
> decide to migrate to another provider?    (02)

[ppy] Great questions! Allow me to answer 3, and give my take on
(partially answering) 5, 2 & 4.    (03)

3. How long will the old Ontolog archives be available? ... As I have
committed to the "new" ONTOLOG Board Of Trustees ("BoT" - ref.
http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/ONTOLOG_BoardOfTrustees for more
details on the BoT), after the migration work are over, I will work
towards archiving and hosting all of the "old" Ontolog content (forum
message archives, wiki content, shared-files (in the webdav
repositories), "pretty" websites, etc.). I plan to host that content
for as long as I am available to do so (which, hopefully, means "a
long time", but most probably not "forever" ... hence you Q5 is a good
question as well (see answer below.) ... There's a high likelihood
that the "old" forum archives will just remain under
http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum - i.e. the same URL as they are at now
(capitalizing on the already established search indices and all.)    (04)

5. How do we export the archives...? I will provide the part of the
answer regarding the "old" archives here. My plan is to package up the
archives into tarballs that people can download (and host). This is
similar to exercises we had done before when members asked for
tarballs of Ontolog contents for research reasons (or whatever) - see,
for example, http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/ontolog-forum-archive/    (05)

As for 2 & 4,  ...
> 2. How will they be linked to the old Ontolog archives?
> 4. How do we search consistently across archives?
This will require the ingenuity and volunteered effort of the
membership to make happen, I suppose.    (06)

I defer to AmandaVizedom (who is championing this migration and
associated infrastructure) and MatthewWest (who champions membership
details and moderates the prevailing mailing lists) and possibly other
BoT members to tackle the other questions.    (07)

Regards. =ppy
--    (08)

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Ken Laskey <klaskey@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 4. How do we search consistently across archives?
> 5. How do we export the archives *when* at some point in the future we
> decide to migrate to another provider?
> None of these questions in and of themselves argue not to migrate but they
> set the stage to understanding the migration.
> Ken
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Kenneth Laskey
> MITRE Corporation, M/S F510          phone: 703-983-7934
> 7515 Colshire Drive                           fax: 703-983-1379
> McLean VA 22102-7508
> On Oct 20, 2015, at 11:27 AM, John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 10/20/2015 2:33 AM, Neil McNaughton wrote:
> Am I the only one to have reservations about the “privatization” of the
> list. Sorry if this has already been debated, but Google/Facebook etc.
> already have enough of the Internet and they want more.
> That point also bothers me.
> But I also have a question about the archives.  It's essential
> to have the archives freely available to everyone, including
> nonsubscribers who find links to them.  Three questions:
>  1. Will the new archives be freely available?
>  2. How will they be linked to the old Ontolog archives?
>  3. How long will the old Ontolog archives be available?
> John    (09)

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