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[ontolog-forum] Ontologies and languages

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Juan de Nadie <juandenavas@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 10:59:24 -0300
Message-id: <CAFZD8G4G0nm0ckF8rTi1zKm9hxF5-8v7gw4dTuYYSgeEazMn1A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello all,

After reading several papers about ontology, I think that I'm not completely sure about the relationships between ontologies and languages.

When we build a domain ontology, its set of categories and relations can be used for developing a domain language for representing specific state of affairs of tis domain. With this in mind, as an ontologist, I was trying to understand the relationship between the ontology and the language developed using its set of categories and relations.
  • An ontology is a language? I found some papers that say something in this way. In this case, it seems that we are collapsing the notions of ontology and language or, at least, we are assuming that there is a subsumption between them.
  • An ontology defines a language? In this case, ontology and language are considered different types of entities. However, in this case, we can ask what are the differences between them.
  • Is there another option?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.

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