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Re: [ontolog-forum] Looking for some pragmatic guidance on modeling rela

To: Steve Ray <steve.ray@xxxxxxxxxx>, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: <rrovetto@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 14:49:59 -0400
Message-id: <CADM4J9w9Aat7X9cEpxG0gEvC667DyjZhG_+Q+M2ZOvJ5KE+2ZQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Great question. This sounds like a project I'd want to engage in.

I know of no foundational ontology that can adequately treat Relativity, let alone of dynamic phenomena.
I know of internal efforts in some foundational ontologies to better address frames of reference, for instance, but it's treatment of time is alone the traditional endurantist-perdurantist dichotomy. (These efforts being the result of user comments and complaints)

As for domain-specific ontologies, I know of no GR ontology or even a more general physics ontology. NASA has it's SWEET ontologies, of which I have some experience, and they have more than one class for time, as well as classes for reference frames, but I do not know if relativistic phenomena can be represented (I don't believe so).
There is, of course, extensive literature in philosophy of GR, which provide insights into different models for applied ontologies, including potential categories (classes).

I suppose one can take any existing ontology and try to build upon its treatment of time, suggesting particular changes or additions to its developers.

It would be interesting to develop a temporal framework for an ontology in which time is, say, asserted as having a feature of rate; or perhaps a framework in which there are multiple potential timelines based on the reference frame; or in which time is more closely related to change vis-a-vis processual classes.
I suspect some of this would address the need for clocks ticking at different rates.

One question among many to ask would be: In developing a framework for relativistic time, shall we use the traditional endurantist-perdurantist dichotomy, one or other other of the two, or something new.

Dr.Ray, please let me know if there is any room on projects...or potential for creating them.

Robert Rovetto
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Steve Ray (CMU) <steve.ray@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been watching the discussion about Endurantism and Perdurantism with some caution over the past weeks, but I’m at last driven to ask a simple, pragmatic question:


Can anyone recommend an ontology that I could build on that handles relativistic time – specifically I’m talking about general relativity, not special relativity, meaning that I am concerned with capturing events involving clocks that are ticking at different rates (orbiting GPS clocks tick more slowly than similar clocks on earth’s surface, and a signal traveling from a GPS clock to earth moves from one time frame to the other). It’s bad enough to have to worry about assertions that extend over finite spans of time, but I need to think about who’s time frame I’m talking about.


Has anybody defined such an ontology?



- Steve


Steven R. Ray, Ph.D.

Distinguished Research Fellow

Carnegie Mellon University

NASA Research Park

Building 23 (MS 23-11)

P.O. Box 1
Moffett Field, CA 94305-0001

Email:    steve.ray@xxxxxxxxxx

Phone: (650) 587-3780

Cell:      (202) 316-6481

Skype: steverayconsulting



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