On Mar 20, 2015, at 7:55 AM, David Eddy <deddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: (01)
> Pat -
> On Mar 19, 2015, at 11:54 PM, Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Another timepoint: when I first went to Rochester in 1981, the CS lab there
>was already using a Xerox product, the Lisa, which had the Xerox mouse/windows
>GUI on a bitmapped screen and a sophisticated OS with built-in wordprocessing,
>graphics, native networking and various other 'modern' apps. I am pretty sure
>this was the first commercially available such computer, several years before
>the Macintosh, although it was not by any means a desktop machine.
> Slight correction.
> I believe the Xerox Alto was first. (02)
Yes, sorry, my bad. Exchange Alto//Lisa in my message. Apologies to all. (03)
> I was able to play with one at Xerox, Webster. Not a commercial product. (04)
They were never promoted commercially, but they were a mature, finished
product. Rochester was using I think five of them all linked by network for
office work, administration and general computing support. It was the first
time I had ever seen a WYSIWYG wordprocessor, and it blew my mind. (05)
Pat (06)
> Xerox did have a commercial Alto-like secretaries workstation product... name
>momentarily forgotten until I dig a little deeper into the archives.
> Lisa was Apple's first attempt. It was very expensive—$10,000—and a flop.
>But it did provide the foundation for the Macintosh.
> By 1982 (I think) Xerox did produce magnificent Lisp machines, Dolphin &
> ____________________________
> David Eddy
> Babson Park, MA
> W: 781-455-0949
> deddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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