To: | "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
From: | Chris Partridge <partridge.csj@xxxxxxxxx> |
Date: | Sun, 15 Mar 2015 12:26:40 +0000 |
Message-id: | <CAMWD8Mo2J4DxwwsjX7Mcz=z2yiFcP0=mOqPQkWPPUQpnP4Sq2g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
Hi, If someone has already mentioned this, then apologies for repetition. There is quite a bit of philosophical literature on expertise, some of which I have found useful, which mostly backs up the points already made. One extremely useful result quoted (understandably) by Andy Clarke is the flyball effect (see below: Shaffer DM, McBeath MK (2005) Naive beliefs in baseball) - which (perhaps) gives an example of how experts construct inaccurate models of their expertise. Another pertinent, though maybe controversial, point is Searle's that one becomes an expert only when one can no longer introspect the expertise. In other words, lack of awareness is a mark of expertise. The general thrust is that experts are often not good at articulating their expertise (Searle is quite scathing about this). In case anyone is interested in this literature, I have copied in the references to texts I have found useful below. This is an active area, so the references may be out of date, but I am sure that if you start with these, then a bibliography search will get you up to date. I'd be interested in other references, if people have time to share, as there does not seem to be sufficient cross-fertilisation in this area. Best, Chris A Novel Ontological Approach to Semantic Interoperability between Legacy Air Defense Command and Control Systems - Published in 'Int. J. Intelligent Defence Support Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2011'. Section 10.4 - 10.4 The nature of SME expertise 2012-08 - Guidelines for Developing Ontological Architectures in Modelling and Simulation (Book Chapter) Authors: Chris Partridge, Andy Mitchell, and Sergio de Cesare. Chapter 2 in Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation: Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S Applications. Series: Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 44. Andreas Tolk, (Editor). ISBN 978-3-642-31139-0. Publisher: Springer. Book available at 74. Ryle G (1949) The concept of mind. Hutchinson, London 75. Habermas J (1998) On the pragmatics of communication (trans: Cooke M). Studies in contemporary German social thought. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 76. Stanley J, Williamson T (2001) Knowing How. Journal of Philosophy 98 (8):411-444. doi:10.2307/2678403 77. Polanyi M (1966) The tacit dimension. Terry Lectures 1962, 1st edn. Doubleday, Garden City, NY 78. Searle JR (1983) Intentionality, an essay in the philosophy of mind. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Cambridgeshire ; New York 79. Collins HM, Evans R (2007) Rethinking expertise. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 80. Collins HM (2010) Tacit and explicit knowledge. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 84. Shaffer DM, McBeath MK (2005) Naive beliefs in baseball: systematic distortion in perceived time of apex for fly balls. J of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory Cognition 31 (6):1492-1501. doi:10.1037/0278-7393.31.6.1492 On 15 March 2015 at 09:01, Matthew West <dr.matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Dear John, _________________________________________________________________ Message Archives: Config Subscr: Unsubscribe: mailto:ontolog-forum-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shared Files: Community Wiki: To join: (01) |
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