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Re: [ontolog-forum] Massive Ontology Interface

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:07:25 -0400
Message-id: <542CA54D.2050800@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 10/1/14 8:34 PM, Richard H. McCullough wrote:

I've been browsing thru your OpenLinks, and have several questions:

1) How many of your concepts map to OpenCyc concepts?
Although the English labels "sound" like OpenCyc, most of
the http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/ links are hidden under
the English labels.

I map to OpenCyc as and when needed, in my nanotations. On a separate front, we have OpenCyc, UMBEL, DBpedia, and Yago data loaded into the LOD Cloud cache instance we maintain [1].

2) Did you extract all the OpenCyc properties of concepts
from the OWL representation?

We uploaded an RDF dump of OpenCyc data.

I am especially interested because I have been experimenting
with my own interface to OpenCyc for some time.  For ordinary
human beings, it is a challenge to discover how our concepts
map to OpenCyc concepts.  I picked one "English" property
which I thought was most informative, and recorded the
150,000+ mappings of [concept,property]

In mKE, I do a regular _expression_ match against the English
label, and then use a browser to view the OpenCyc concept

Ah! Now I get a better sense of your opening questions. In our RDF RDBMS (known as Virtuoso) we an in-built entity relationship browser that uses reasoning and inference to present labels (where such exist) instead of raw HTTP URIs. Thus, you end up with <a href="" presented where you would normally see an HTTP URI.

The next logical step, automatically getting links to the
desired properties of the concept, has so far been available
only on ResearchCyc.  Cycorp plans to add that capability to
OpenCyc in the near future [ I have no date for the release].

Here's a simple example of an mKE search:
 ke$ guid := do find od sail*boat with value in cyclabel;
cyclabel[Mx4rGcydXRL_T0y7b5O2vRnmig] := <Wn-20-synset-sailboat-noun-1> @en;
cyclabel[Mx4rvVjW8JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA] := <Sailboat> @en;
cyclabel[Mx8Ngh4rv3tMrJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVjW8JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA] := <(TransportViaFn Sailboat)> @en;
ke$ ! firefox od http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/$guid;

The Massive Ontology Interface returns 2 matches for "sailboat"
and no matches for "sail boat".

I tried to search your OpenLink website, Kingsley, but I got

The web-site you are currently trying to access is
 under maintenance at this time.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Yes, its under maintenance currently, just try again. Repeat the search on "Sailboat" or any other term.


Dick McCullough
Context Knowledge Systems
What is your view?

Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 14:34:58 -0400
From: kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Massive Ontology Interface

On 10/1/14 2:16 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> For a front-end to OpenCyc, see the abstract below.  That web page
> has a link to the PDF for the full paper.
> The concluding paragraph:
>> >Ontology interface design is in its infancy.  Ironically (given the
>> >relative maturity of the two fields) it is more common to try to use
>> >ontology as a tool in HCI development than to use HCI as a tool in
>> >ontology development.  We have made gains in shifting a ‘classic’
>> >ontology interface from expert-user-only to a state such that the
>> >general public may contribute to it if they wish.  Our results indicate
>> >that the interface we developed does encourage users to become involved
>> >in contributing to ontological knowledge.  With increased user uptake,
>> >the quality of the information contained within the ontology will
>> >improve,  as well as using user feedback as an evaluation mechanism.
> One of the co-authors, Cathy Legg, had worked at Cyc for some years,
> and they have been testing the interface on university students.
> So that gives them some perspective from users, teachers, and
> developers.
> John
Here are some links that identify documents that offer an interface into 
the world of Open Cyc, in Linked Open Data form:
-- Type of Human Capability
--  Cooking .
Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
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Kingsley Idehen	      
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