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Re: [ontolog-forum] Schema.org v1.0e published: Order schema, Accessibil

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:16:30 -0500
Message-id: <529FB7CE.1020704@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 12/4/13 3:23 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 12/4/2013 11:57 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Awesome on both fronts re., schema.org version 1.0e and LOV's cool delta
>> page!
> I wouldn't go quite as far as "awesome", but I agree that Schema.org
> is an important step in the right direction:
>    1. It is compatible with all the tools for the Semantic Web.
>    2. But it is sufficiently general that it can be used with legacy
>       systems and with the many logics, tools, and notations that have
>       been developed over the past half century for AI, databases, and
>       programming languages.
>    3. The presentation in the web pages that Dan B cites can be read and
>       used by programmers who have little or no training in the tools and
>       notations of the Semantic Web or any of the many versions of logic
>       that are used in ontology and computer science.
>    4. The lack of detail in Schema.org does not permit detailed reasoning.
>       But that makes it sufficiently underspecified that it can be used in
>       conjunction with an open-ended variety of "microtheories" that state
>       whatever detail is required for any particular application.
>    5. The emphasis on readable English terms and phrases for the ontology
>       means that Schema.org can be used as a supplement to specialized
>       terminologies and lexical resources, such as WordNet, Roget's
>       Thesaurus, and various systems used by computational linguists.
>    6. The availabilty of Schema.org as a free and open resource is
>       essential for its widespread adoption.
>    7. Equally important is the collaboration by four major competitors:
>       Bing, Google, Yahoo!, and Yandex.  Their support ensures the
>       funding, and their competition ensures that none of them will
>       tolerate proprietary features that favor one vendor's software
>       over the others'.
> John
>    (01)

I claimed it was awesome for the following reasons:    (02)

1. LOV's bridging to Schema.org combined with its delta handling is 
great example of natural collaboration.
2. For those seeking more reasoner friendliness, the data is structured 
enough for easy transformation, which is my favorite schema.org 
3. That it would earn six positive (or there about) comments out of the 
seven you listed above :)    (03)

--     (04)

Regards,    (05)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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