On 11/27/2013 12:32 AM, Rich Cooper wrote:
> Peirce may have gotten it from old Greeks also, but it seems
> too well known to have been originated only so recently as Peirce. (01)
Plato believed that the real world was an imperfect approximation
to the purity of the eternal ideas or forms. He was the ultimate
armchair philosopher who believed that experiment was irrelevant. (02)
Aristotle's father was a physician. That gave him a much better
appreciation for the need to observe, experiment, and record
the results of the experiments and observations. (03)
Until the 13th century, Neoplatonism dominated European philosophy.
Physicians followed Galen, who was strongly influenced by Aristotle.
The big revolution occurred when Thomas Aquinas made Aristotle safe
for Christianity. Roger Bacon and other scientists influenced by
Aristotle developed the scientific methods. Francis Bacon (16th -
17th c) missed the point when he blamed Aristotle for the stagnation. (04)
Peirce's father had taught him Greek & Latin as a child, and he was
familiar with all of the above. He credited Aristotle with the three
methods of reasoning: deduction, induction, and abduction. (05)
I drew the diagram in slide 32 of http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/goal5.pdf
which I used to relate Peirce's cycle of pragmatism to the tools and
techniques developed in AI. (06)
The significant similarity I wanted to emphasize was the brain regions
involved. The first two steps of the OODA loop (Observe and Orient)
depend on the posterior regions of the brain (parietal, temporal,
and occipital lobes). But the last two steps (Decide and Act) depend
on the frontal lobes. James Albus makes that point very strongly in
his diagram (and the paper cited). (07)
For the OODA loop and the Albus cycle, see slides 37 and 38 of
http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/goal2.pdf . The earlier slides in
goal2.pdf go into much more detail (as does the paper by Albus).
But my slides can be useful background before reading Albus. (08)
John (09)
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