Michael, (01)
> why don't we have the "Society of Mind" as Internet Platform? (02)
That's a very good question. As a partial answer, see the ending
of my response to the thread on Data & Relations. (Copy below) (03)
> Just add language and pragmatic identifiers to Amazon Mechanical Turk.
> Let those identifiers be extendable by the community. It's probably
> a bit more complicated but it seems feasible. (04)
I agree that it's feasible, but it requires much more than "a bit".
However, it might have been done if the DAML project had implemented
what they proposed to do. (05)
The report by Tim Berners-Lee in February 2000 proposed a DARPA
*Agent* Markup Language (DAML). Other words that Tim emphasized
were interoperability, diversity, and heterogeneity. The second
paragraph of the report stated the fundamental goal (which is the
*antithesis* of what the DAML project actually produced): (06)
Tim BL
> to provide sufficient flexibility to be able to represent all databases,
> and logic rules to link them together to great added value. (07)
Source: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/sw/DevelopmentProposal (08)
In 2002, I wrote a paper about the Flexible Modular Framework, which
cited Marvin Minsky's _Society of Mind_ as an inspiration. At that
time, I would have cited Tim B-L's DAML proposal, if I had seen it.
But the FMF design addresses all of Tim's words: agents, flexibility,
diversity interoperability, and heterogeneity. Original paper: (09)
Architectures for Intelligent Systems (010)
Arun Majumdar implemented that version as a foundation for the
software we have developed in our company, VivoMind Research, LLC.
Following is an extended version from 2004: (011)
Graphics and Languages for the Flexible Modular Framework (012)
Since then, the VivoMind software has gone far beyond the basic
version of 2002. For examples, see slides 111 to 156 of (013)
The goal of language understanding (014)
We would like to release a platform based on this approach as open
source (and provide other software for sale). But right now, our
business model has been to develop applications in response to various
contracts. The flexibility of the FMF makes it easy to mix and match
modules to develop applications. But providing all the support and
documentation to make it usable by a wider group of developers will
require "a bit" more money. (015)
John (016)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Data & Relations (017)
... (018)
There was excellent R & D by both the DB and the AI communities
from the 1980s to 2000. Tim B-L's DAML proposal for the Semantic
Web in Feb 2000 took into account a very large fraction of that
research. But only a tiny amount made it into the final DAML
report of 2005 -- just OWL and SPARQL. (019)
You can't expect a five-year project to do everything. But 8 years
have gone by, and the research has stagnated. They haven't even
looked at their original charter (Tim's 2000 proposal) to see what
they failed to implement. It's pitiful. (020)
John (021)
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