On Dec 18, 2012, at 6:13 AM, David Price wrote: (01)
> On 18 Dec 2012, at 13:28, Alexander Titov wrote:
>> Dear Matthew,
>> I would like to ask a few questions to understand you better:
>>> MW: Someone mentioned that an individual is something that does not have
>members (in the sense of a set having members) and that is close to what I
>would mean, but that would make the null set an individual, so it is not quite
>adequate. My definition of individual is something that exists in space and
>time. I am not a set (or class or type or kind or sort etc) nor is my car or
>this email. Nor is Sherlock Holmes to give a more difficult example. All these
>things can be placed in space and time (even if it is imaginary space and
>time) . On the other hand, sets/classes/types are generally considered to
>exist outside space and time.
>> I understand that a 'main dichotomy' between an individual and a
>set/class/type is - existence in space and time (rather than having or not
>having members). (02)
That surely will not work. The natural number five is an individual, but does
not exist in space and time, even imaginary space and time. Does Moby Dick, the
work, exist in space and time? (Where?) Some people think that sets exist in
time. There is hardly any position on these debates that has not been held and
defended by someone. (03)
Pat (04)
> This depends on the metaphysics and language you've adopted. As Pat said,
>Individual means 'member of set' in logic and has nothing to do with space and
>time. Matthew's comments are couched in 4-dimensionalism so Individual is
>"Thing that exists in some possible world" and so is entirely about space and
>time. In 4-D, a Class can be a member of a Class, yet Classes are not
> So, without couching discussions into the approach/background that is the
>context, even Individual is not a clearly defined term.
>>> MW: On the other hand, sets/classes/types are generally considered to exist
>outside space and time.
>> Can we consider opposite - sets/classes/types do exist within space and time
>as well? For example, as a collection/set of space and time extensions of all
>their members?
>> What will happen if the criteria is joined: 'does not have members' and
>'exists in space and time'? Not sure if it is better... We have now another
>(at least three) cases to think about…
> As Classes are things of which Individuals are members based on some criteria
>so, by definition, Classes in 4D are not in space time. Classes are identified
>by their extension, but that does not put them into space/time either.
> Cheers,
> David
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