An emphatic +1 to this. Amen! Thanks John. (01)
Ugly notation, useless details, and square-wheel semantics - indeed. (02)
Fads surfing on the gullibility and ignorance of a new generation. (03)
-hak (04)
On 12/4/2012 11:44 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> Dave, Ed, William, Leo, Kingsley, John B, et al.,
> We have a many points of agreement, and most of the debates are
> about details of secondary importance.
> Following is a summary of the main issues:
> 1. The ultimate source of meaning is the real world and the people
> who communicate about it -- among themselves and with IT systems.
> 2. The AI formalisms have never been popular with mainstream IT,
> and newer versions based on an uglier syntax are no better.
> 3. But diagrams of various kinds have been popular with mainstream IT
> since the punched card days.
> 4. Some version of logic is necessary to define and relate the
> semantics of the various diagrams and notations to each other
> and to the languages people read, write, and speak.
> 5. Tim B-L's emphasis on diversity, heterogeneity, and interoperability
> is necessary to support legacy systems, current mainstream IT, and
> whatever innovations anybody may develop in the future.
> 6. Unless we can provide tools, techniques, and interfaces that IT
> developers can use with their current systems, no amount preaching
> will convince them that logic and ontology are useful.
> My main complaint about the Semantic Web is that it lost sight of these
> issues while trying to enforce compliance with secondary details. Until
> we address the main issues, it's pointless to standardize the details
> of notations that nobody will adopt.
> John
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