I concur that we should look at the non-publicly (or “less than completely public/open) exposed data in this discussion. The degree of “open-ness” is a scope dimension, as is the “big” in “big data”. Actually, the word “big” in this context has several scope dimensions – not just the quantitative size of the data set, but also the domains and enterprise boundaries that the data set might cut across. Relationships have scope as well, and the relationships among data seekers and providers determine how open or “public” the open data cloud (or any cloud) might be, i.e., under what range of contexts and related constraints do the relationships apply (or are operative).
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bob Schloss
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 2:24 PM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Entity Relationship Model, Big Data, Linked Data, RDF, and the Semantic Web Project
> I assume others on this list find these items artificially disconnected?
Yes, I do.
I would also add the world of JSON-based Web APIs which are going to exist behind firewalls -- maybe this is the non-public counterpart to item 5.
Bob Schloss
Senior Technical Staff Member; Scalable Information Infrastructure
IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center
Phone: 1-914-945-3343 | Mobile: 1-914-589-0699 E-mail: rschloss@xxxxxxxxxx My page at IBM Research: Find me on: "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi | 
P.O. Box 218 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 United States
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 11/27/2012 01:37 PM
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Entity Relationship Model, Big Data, Linked Data, RDF, and the Semantic Web Project
Sent by: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Clearly an important topic. I would like to openly discuss what I see as frustrating disconnects across:
1. Entity Relationship Model as the vehicle for unified views over disparate data -- by exploiting Entity Relationship Semantics
2. Big Data -- the latest and greatest moniker/meme hybrid associated with challenge of exponentially growing data volume, velocity, and variety
3. Linked Data -- topic of a meme by TimBL that describes a principled approach to Webby structured data construction and publication to the Web (i.e., how to make Webby data objects)
4. RDF -- enhancement to Entity Relationship Model enhanced with explicit machine comprehensible Entity Relationship Semantics
5. Linked Open Data Cloud -- massive collection of Webby data objects (resources) constructed and published in line with TimBL's Linked Data meme
6. The Semantic Web Project/Vision -- the Web as a Big Data cloud comprised of RDF based Webby data objects .
Discussion question: do the points outlined above effectively connect the dots between today's Big Data meme and the Semantic Web Project's vision, effectively? I assume others on this list find these items artificially disconnected?
1. -- Integrating Semantic Systems (John Sowa)
2. -- Entity Relationship Model: Unified View of Data (Peter Chen).
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