I just had the chance to go through Martin Hepp's keynote talk[1] via
vimeo which he gave a few days ago at EKAW 2012 (
http://ekaw2012.ekaw.org/ ). (01)
The talk is entitled: "From Ontologies to Web Ontologies: Lessons
Learned from Conceptual Modeling for the WWW" where Martin discussed
(among other things) whether there is a fundamental difference between
traditional ontologies and Web ontologies, and analyze the the
specific economic, social, and technical challenges of building,
maintaining, and using socially agreed, global data structures that
are suited for the WWW at large, also with respect to the skills,
expectations, and particular needs of companies and Web developers.
(The extended abstract of his talk is available at:
http://ekaw2012.ekaw.org/node/39 ) (02)
His argues that web ontologies are not the same as ontologies (the way
formal ontologists), and talked of a "2nd passage" in ontology (the
first being from Ontology as used in Philosophy, to Ontology as used
by AI scientists; and then a 2nd passage from the "traditional"
Ontologies to the Web Ontologies.) (03)
Personally, I think his identification of the intrinsic differences
between "traditional" ontologies and web ontologies is a important
insight, and am therefore, sharing the links to Martin's talk[1] in
the hope that this may generate some discussion and, hopefully, help
bridge the understanding between the communities that profess in them. (04)
[1] see: http://vimeo.com/51152934 (05)
Regards. =ppy
-- (06)
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