Hello John, (01)
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:15:49AM -0400, John F Sowa wrote:
> The point Martin emphasized is that the upper level ontology should
> be very underspecified (almost no axioms). (02)
I think his main point is about informal underspecification - not formal
underspecification. The set of intended models should be broad for a broad
audience. How much bigger the set of models of the axioms is, is another
question. But as it must include the intended models, there should normally be
a low number of axioms. (03)
> But an underspecified ontology, by itself, can't support an application.
> You need either (a) a richer logic or (b) a programming language. (04)
Are you talking about generating applications from axioms ? Or from
formal application descriptions ? If yes, could you provide links ? (05)
But I guess you mean that with a richer logic, you can put *some* logic from
the application code to the T-box. (06)
As Martin pointed out, the use of axioms to convey meaning to humans is
very limited. Are there other reasons for axioms other than entailing new
facts and data cleaning ? (07)
Regards, (08)
Michael Brunnbauer (09)
++ Michael Brunnbauer
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