On 9/5/12 1:16 PM, Jack Park wrote:
> That work appears to be an extension of his 2005 PhD (both Dutch and
> English prose), downloadable from here:
> http://www.gellish.net/downloads.html
> That document references the well-known entities, describes structures
> in ways familiar to both the ONTOLOG and topic maps communities, but
> does not cite ISO 13250.
> I'd like to think, however, that it still serves as a decent overview
> of the space. Am I missing something?
No, at least not from my vantage point. (01)
I posted it as more of a token of appreciation with regards to the
thread that what developing between Doug and I re. 3-tuples vs N-tuples
as the base structure for expressing (representing) facts. (02)
> Jack
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> All,
>> What's not to like about this excerpt:
>> "In its simplest form, this is a structure that is also supported by
>> technologies, such as _RDF_ and _OWL_. However, a semantic model includes
>> the following semantic extensions that support an improved computer
>> interpretation of such sentences and an improved computerized verification
>> of semantic correctness:
>> * Each kind of relation has a modeled definition. Those semantic definitions
>> of the relation type includes the definition of the required kinds of roles
>> and the allowed kinds of players of such roles. For example, the relation
>> type <is located in> requires a physical object in a 'locator' role and
>> another physical object in a 'located' role.
>> * Each individual thing is classified by a kind of thing, because the
>> meaning of a relation between individual things can only be interpreted
>> correctly when each related individual thing is classified, as well as the
>> roles they play and the relation they have.
>> * The kinds of things are defined by at least a relation with their
>> supertype kinds of things, thus forming a taxonomy of concepts (a
>> specialization hierarchy, also called a subtype-supertype hierarchy). This
>> is necessary for the interpretation of the meaning of the classifiers (city,
>> tower, and 'is located in', as well as 'locator' and 'located').
>> This results in a universal basic semantic data structure for the expression
>> of facts about individual things."
>> Source: http://www.gellish.net/topics/semantic-modelling.html .
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen
>> Founder & CEO
>> OpenLink Software
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-- (04)
Regards, (05)
Kingsley Idehen
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