That work appears to be an extension of his 2005 PhD (both Dutch and
English prose), downloadable from here: (01)
That document references the well-known entities, describes structures
in ways familiar to both the ONTOLOG and topic maps communities, but
does not cite ISO 13250. (02)
I'd like to think, however, that it still serves as a decent overview
of the space. Am I missing something? (03)
Jack (04)
On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> All,
> What's not to like about this excerpt:
> "In its simplest form, this is a structure that is also supported by
> technologies, such as _RDF_ and _OWL_. However, a semantic model includes
> the following semantic extensions that support an improved computer
> interpretation of such sentences and an improved computerized verification
> of semantic correctness:
> * Each kind of relation has a modeled definition. Those semantic definitions
> of the relation type includes the definition of the required kinds of roles
> and the allowed kinds of players of such roles. For example, the relation
> type <is located in> requires a physical object in a 'locator' role and
> another physical object in a 'located' role.
> * Each individual thing is classified by a kind of thing, because the
> meaning of a relation between individual things can only be interpreted
> correctly when each related individual thing is classified, as well as the
> roles they play and the relation they have.
> * The kinds of things are defined by at least a relation with their
> supertype kinds of things, thus forming a taxonomy of concepts (a
> specialization hierarchy, also called a subtype-supertype hierarchy). This
> is necessary for the interpretation of the meaning of the classifiers (city,
> tower, and 'is located in', as well as 'locator' and 'located').
> This results in a universal basic semantic data structure for the expression
> of facts about individual things."
> Source: .
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
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