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Re: [ontolog-forum] Constructs, primitives, terms

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Bill Andersen <andersen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 10:48:32 -0400
Message-id: <540D6847-0A5A-43FC-B946-85197DC59ECA@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
John    (01)

That may have been the best ontolog post ever.    (02)

  .bill    (03)

On Mar 17, 2012, at 9:45, "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:    (04)

> Paul,
> I love the WWW and all the wondrous things it has supported.
> I love URIs as they have been defined by the WWW and the way
> that they are upward compatible with all the unique identifiers
> that anybody and everybody else has defined.
> I love the vision of the Semantic Web that Tim Berners-Lee presented
> in his original talk to the W3C in 1994 and in his book that came out
> a few years later.
> I also love the wealth of R & D on semantic systems from 1950 to 2000.
> That includes AI, computational linguistics, DB conceptual schema,
> logic programming, deductive databases, software specification,
> software engineering, and related areas of computer science.
> But I am disappointed by two things: (1) the tiny amount of the R & D
> on semantic systems that has gone into the Semantic Web, and (2) the
> glacially slooooow rate of acceptance of the SW tools.
> PT
>> It requires people to think, observe, analyze, experiment, test,
>> and rework. All activities that are well supported by SW technologies
>> and ready-to-hand mainstream IT tools.
> Please note what R. V. Guha, the *inventor* of RDF, said in the Ontolog
> seminar he presented in 2011:  "Somehow RDF never took off."
> Guha was working as an associate director at Cyc, which was and still
> is the largest AI knowledge base on the planet.  But he realized that
> the Cyc language (CycL) was too complicated for most people, and he
> wanted to develop something simpler.  He left Cyc and went to Apple,
> where he developed a notation based on triples as the predecessor
> to RDF.  But Apple didn't see any use for it.  So he left Apple and
> went to Netscape where he collaborated with Tim Bray to develop RDF.
> RDF didn't help Netscape stay in business.   Nokia poured millions
> of euros into R & D on the SW, but Apple beat them with the iPhone,
> which doesn't use any SW technology.
> After Guha left Netscape, he went to IBM Research, when IBM management
> thought that the SW looked promising.  But instead of building their
> natural language software on top of the SW, IBM used XML to develop
> a more efficient represenation called UIMA, which they used to build
> the Watson system for answering Jeopardy questions.
> Then Guha went to Google, where he has been working on schema.org
> and the Google software as an alternative to the SW tools.
> I haven't given up on Tim B-L's vision, but after 18 years, it's
> time to rethink the strategy for implementing it.  I suggest that
> the W3C take a hard look at what Apple, IBM, and Google did.
> John
> PS:  I still have a bunch of IBM stock that I accumulated in my 30
> years at IBM.  It more than doubled in value in the past 5 years,
> despite a big dip in 2008.  That's not bad, but Google went up
> by more than 3.6 times, and Apple went up by a factor of 6.
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