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Re: [ontolog-forum] Constructs, primitives, terms

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:50:06 -0400
Message-id: <4F637D4E.7040408@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 3/16/12 1:29 PM, John F. Sowa wrote:
> Kingsley and Doug,
> KI
>>> ... and the whole lot can be mapped to URIs.
> DF
>> This is trivially true.  Each program module which defines terms could
>> be given a unique namespace (NS) and then each term (T) defined in that
>> namespace could be assigned the URI: NS#V .
> Yes.  That can be done with every logic and ontology since Aristotle.
> KI
>> Today, we hear a lot about BigData or 'Big Data' and very little about
>> the fundamental realities associated with:
>> 1. exponential growth of data volume
>> 2. exponential growth of data velocity
>> 3. exponential growth of data variety (heterogeneity)
>> 4. exponential growth of data location disparity.
>> You can't deal with these matters without URIs in your arsenal.
> As I said many times, URIs are useful.  But I also emphasize that the
> actual *words* that people use in any NL text are usually more *precise*
> and more *informative* than any URIs that some annotator (human or
> computer) has assigned to them.    (01)

I don't dispute that. Re. Linked Data we integrate the contributions of 
many NLP services [1] these days. Thus, as part of a Linked Data 
generation pipeline NLP services contribute to final graph enhancement. 
These services sometime contribute URIs in addition to basic entity 
extraction.    (02)

> Even for annotators who are professional linguists and lexicographers
> 95% agreement is considered exceptionally good.  Typical data entry
> clerks are so clueless that their annotations are worthless.
> The methods for processing NL texts are improving rapidly.  Even
> today, the best NLP systems can do as well or better in selecting
> word senses than the average human annotator.    (03)

Yes, as per my comments above re. taking this effort and meshing it with 
Linked Data.    (04)

> Please note:  I do *not* claim that current NLP systems are good
> at selecting word senses.  I am just observing that typical human
> annotators are horrible.    (05)

Understood.    (06)

> If anybody thinks that there is a contradiction between my faith in
> human authors and my skepticism about human annotators, I'd like to
> emphasize a fundamental principle that linguists have observed:
>      People who have never studied linguistics or logic can use their
>      native language correctly when they don't think about it.  But
>      when somebody asks them a question about grammar or meaning,
>      their answers are hopelessly confused.
> Conclusion:  Don't depend on human annotators to select URIs.    (07)

Amen!    (08)

> And if you are processing NL texts, it's better to have your
> system select word senses than to depend on any annotations
> in the texts.  At least you can control your own system, but
> you have no idea where any annotations may have come from.    (09)

Links:    (010)

1. http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/IHWRTT -- note the 'mentions' 
property values which are qualified by NLP service contributor    (011)

2. http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/IH22OE -- alternative faceted 
browsing and follow-your-nose navigation friendly view    (012)

3. http://ode.openlinksw.com/ - browser extension and/or bookmarklet 
that I use to produce these Linked Data Pages    (013)

4. http://ode.openlinksw.com/example.html -- usage example    (014)

5. http://uriburner.com -- public version of Linked Data middleware 
service used by the above.    (015)

> John
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--     (017)

Regards,    (018)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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