To Ron's "just not possible", I would argue "nothin's impossible" but
rather, highly unlikely. (01)
Patrick Durusau and I tackled the "who gets to decide" issue in an
Ontolog conference call [1] in which we argued for a mapping approach
that implies that virtually all choices are available, the final
decision being left up to the user's particular needs. (02)
[1] (03)
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Ron Wheeler
<rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 21/04/2011 1:36 PM, AzamatAbdoullaev wrote:
>> Given that, I am convinced that to obtain the General Semantic
>> Interoperability standard, costing hundreds billions per year, means to
>> develop a single world reference model, in the first place.
>> Azamat Abdoullaev (04)
> Just not possible. Who gets to decide? There are too many stakeholders.
> Each stakeholder will have trouble giving up a view of the universe that
> has served their organization for years in order to fix someone else's
> problem with this view.
> We have survived an Imperial vs Metric world for 2 centuries with being
> able to agree on something so clear cut.
> We just make the conversions when we need to and the rest of the time we
> pick one.
> In Canada, we measure in metric but the frequently result is something
> that makes sense in inches (plywood comes in the metric equivalent of
> 4x8 feet sheets and no one has any idea about how big that is in metric).
> I have no expectation that the US Justice Department and the US
> Treasury are ever going to agree on some definitions of financial
> transactions.
> The hierarchy of objects will probably never match and will be a problem
> for the people who have to define the interoperability rules for
> companies who need to take their own internal view of the universe and
> provide views for the external agencies that fit their hierarchies.
> Try telling the EU or the Chinese that they have adopt the US Treasury's
> view of the financial world.
> Ron
><snip> (05)
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