> Thanks,
> Leo
> _____________________________________________
> Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics
lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Information Discovery & Understanding, Command & Control Center
> Voice:
703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305
> Fax:
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> -----Original Message-----
> From:
ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:
ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike Bennett
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:07 PM
> To: [ontolog-forum]
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Fact Guru, Controlled NLs, and OOR
> We made a point of not including words / lexical terms as
> ontology objects, i.e. no use of OWL Equivalent Class.
> As Mike Atkin puts it, people will argue forever about the
> meaning of a word, but will soon reach consensus on the concepts
> themselves. To include those in the ontology actually makes the
> ontology harder to explain to business stakeholders.
> Also does that mean you have two separate theories of meaning
> within the same model? How do you distinguish those e.g. is there
> is some obvious visual distinction between the sets of terms that
> come under the two theories?
> Mike
> On 30/03/2011 17:49, Matthew West wrote:
>> Dear Mike,
>> One of the things we did in ISO 15926 was to distinguish logical
>> terms/concepts/meanings from their representation by words/lexical
>> terms/phrases, but treating the lexical terms as first class objects in the
>> ontology itself, rather than things outside it.
>> Regards
>> Matthew West
>> Information Junction
>> Tel:
+44 1489 880185
>> Mobile:
+44 750 3385279
>> Skype: dr.matthew.west
>> This email originates from Information Junction Ltd. Registered in England
>> and Wales No. 6632177.
>> Registered office: 2 Brookside, Meadow Way, Letchworth Garden City,
>> Hertfordshire, SG6 3JE.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:
bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike Bennett
>>> Sent: 30 March 2011 16:50
>>> To: [ontolog-forum]
>>> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Fact Guru, Controlled NLs, and OOR
>>> That does sound interesting. I had a sort of "Aha" moment last
>>> week when we were talking about synonyms and heteronyms at an OMG
>>> / EDM Council event. It struck me that an ontology has formal
>>> definitions of concepts with synonyms, whereas a terminology is a
>>> set of words, with one or more meanings per word, and therefore
>>> has heteronyms. That's why for instance we have no concept of
>>> heteronym in our ontology. Nor (for similar reasons) do we have
>>> homonyms.
>>> No doubt for most people that's this week's glimpse into the
>>> obvious, but it made things come clear for me - ontologies and
>>> terminologies are complementary but different, so any tool that
>>> formally relates one to the other has to be good.
>>> Mike
>>> On 30/03/2011 15:05, John F. Sowa wrote:
>>>> We have discussed the relationships between ontologies and
>>> terminologies
>>>> in many email threads. Some people blur the distinction by saying
>>> that
>>>> their terminologies are ontologies, and others make a sharp
>>> distinction
>>>> between them. But one point is clear: the people who use
>>> applications
>>>> only see terminologies, and the developers need to relate ontologies
>>>> to terminologies.
>>>> A few weeks ago, I sent a note that mentioned Fact Guru by Doug Skuce
>>>> as tool that could help bridge the gap between terminologies and
>>>> ontologies. In particular, FG could simplify the task of mapping
>>>> the terms of an terminology to the more formal ontology. After the
>>>> development of the ontology, FG could be used to display either or
>>>> both, side by side. For the Open Ontology Repository, FG could be
>>>> useful, but only if the software were available as open source.
>>>> Therefore, I had a discussion with Doug about the possibility of
>>>> releasing the Fact Guru software as open source under the LGPL.
>>>> Doug agreed, and he is also planning to attend the Ontology Summit
>>>> on April 18. He would be happy to discuss the use of FG with anyone
>>>> who may be interested. On the cc list above, I added the email for
>>>> Doug Skuce and for John Talbot, who did most of the implementation.
>>>> In the links below, note the wide range of sophistication of the
>>>> possible applications. The Animals example was implemented by
>>>> Doug's 9-year-old daughter as a school project. The SUMO example
>>>> was downloaded from the actual SUMO ontology. For each term in
>>>> SUMO, FG shows both the English-like text and the axioms written
>>>> in KIF.
>>>> John Sowa
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Fact Guru
>>>> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 21:31:05 -0500
>>>> From: John F. Sowa<
>>>> To: [ontolog-forum]<
>>>> CC: Doug Skuce<
>>>> I was talking with an old friend, Doug Skuce, who taught AI and
>>>> knowledge engineering at the University of Ottawa for many years.
>>>> He and his students and colleagues have developed some software
>>>> that could be valuable for designing and supporting ontologies.
>>>> In the late 80s he developed a knowledge acquisition tool called
>>>> CODE (Conceptually Oriented Development Environment) in Smalltalk.
>>>> Since CODE did not run on the web, he designed a new version called
>>>> Fact Guru in the late 90s. FG can be used to organize a knowledge
>>>> base of any kind and present it in a highly readable way;
>>>> Following is a blurb from the web site:
>>>> With Fact Guru you can improve understanding by:
>>>> * storing facts grouped by subject in a highly structured
>>>> knowledge base.
>>>> * searching the knowledge base to find just the fact you need
>>>> * comparing subjects to see a comparison matrix of differences
>>>> * viewing subjects as a graph to see relationships between
>>> them
>>>> For a beginner's example that uses only English, see the knowledge
>>>> base of Canadian Animals, which was implemented by Doug's nine year
>>>> old daughter. Click on any animal name to find a collection of
>>>> information about it:
>>>> More important for ontology is the use of Fact Guru to import,
>>>> organize, and display the top-level ontology of SUMO:
>>>> For an example of a knowledge base about a technical subject,
>>>> see the Fact Guru KB about the Java programming language, which
>>>> Doug used for teaching a course on Java:
>>>> This KB is important for two reasons: (1) it is cross linked
>>>> to an associated HTML document about Java; and (2) it is written
>>>> in a version of controlled English called ClearTalk.
>>>> Doug is currently working with some programmers who are
>>>> reimplementing Fact Guru with the Drupal content management
>>>> software in order to organize and relate multiple knowledge
>>>> bases. This could be useful for the Open Ontology Repository.
>>>> I thought that participants in Ontolog Forum might express
>>>> their wish list about features that would be useful for
>>>> supporting ontologies and their applications.
>>>> John Sowa
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>>> Mike Bennett
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> Mike Bennett
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