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[ontolog-forum] scale / enumeration ontology?

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Erick Antezana <erick.antezana@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 17:32:26 +0100
Message-id: <AANLkTindcLajrUu5nF_qNHQ2KCbX-HUDQ0RDt6-Cn6UM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear ontolog-ers,    (01)

I got the mission of building an (application?) ontology that will
hold terms/concepts related to the measurement output of some
biological experiments and analyses. Thus, I am wondering if there are
already any effort that specifically captures concepts related to
scales (e.g. "length", "weight") and/or enumerations (e.g. "colour"
such as red, green, blue), which in turn would be "connected" to
another ontology of units (which has  terms such as centimeter,
Celsius, Kg, etc...). Moreover, I am wondering whether such ontologies
(if exists) capture "natural" data ranges such as 0 - 100 in the case
of dealing with a percentage rating, or arbitrary ranges (e.g. 0-10),
or min and max values... Typically, our final users assign a value to
an observed feature, in some cases with the assistance of a machine or
instrument (e.g. penetrometer ) and in other cases based on a pattern
(colours from a palette having a defined set thereof); and finally, in
other cases, they assign a value based on a simple (subjective) visual
rating (e.g. a number from a range going from 0-10 to evaluate the
ripening of a fruit or its coarseness where 0=worst, 5=good, 10=best).    (02)

any pointer would be very appreciated,
Erick    (03)

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