Dear Michael, (01)
Then the best you can say is that the example is ambiguous. Still not good. (02)
Regards (03)
Matthew West (04)
> Hi Chris,
> this example is not so clear-cut, since there it is possible
> to interpret these statements within a process ontology
> such as PSL:
> . Jack and John are instances of Actor
> . Task is an subclass of Activity
> . WashWindows is an instance of Task
> . PushWashButton is an instance of Task
> . there is an occurrence of WashWindows done by John
> . there is an occurrence of PushWashButton done by Jack
> Admittedly, there is no explicit process ontology in the original
> example that employs the distinction between activities and their
> occurrences, but my point is that there is no need to
> say that WashWindows and PushWashButton are classes.
> - michael
> Quoting Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx>:
> > From the Car Wash
> > example
> >
> > As an important part of the car wash system, John and Jack perform
> > manual tasks required for washing a car properly:
> >
> > . Jack and John are instances of Actor
> > . WashWindows is an instance of Task and is done by John
> > . PushWashButton is an instance of Task and is done by Jack
> >
> > Seems to me from the brief description that WashWidows and
> are
> > supposed to be classes whose instances are actual atomic tasks - John's
> > actual window-washings and Jack's actual wash-button-pushings. If so,
> > it seems to me that the little ontology fragment above is wrong and
> > instead of the second and third lines, they should have:
> >
> > . WashWindows is a subclass of Task
> > . Instances of WashWindows are done by John
> > . PushWashButton is a subclass of Task
> > . Instances of PushWashButton are done by Jack
> >
> > Or something like that.
> >
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