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Re: [ontolog-forum] Fwd: [New post] The Newest from SOA: The SOA Ontolog

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Michael Gruninger <mudcat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 19:01:14 -0500
Message-id: <1292889674.4d0fee4a69fc5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Chris,
this example is not so clear-cut, since there it is possible
to interpret these statements within a process ontology
such as PSL:    (01)

 • Jack and John are instances of Actor
 • Task is an subclass of Activity
 • WashWindows is an instance of Task
 • PushWashButton is an instance of Task
 • there is an occurrence of WashWindows done by John
 • there is an occurrence of PushWashButton done by Jack    (02)

Admittedly, there is no explicit process ontology in the original
example that employs the distinction between activities and their
occurrences, but my point is that there is no need to
say that WashWindows and PushWashButton are classes.    (03)

- michael    (04)

Quoting Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx>:    (05)

> From the Car Wash
> example
> As an important part of the car wash system, John and Jack perform certain
> manual tasks required for washing a car properly:
> • Jack and John are instances of Actor
> • WashWindows is an instance of Task and is done by John
> • PushWashButton is an instance of Task and is done by Jack
> Seems to me from the brief description that WashWidows and PushWashButton are
> supposed to be classes whose instances are actual atomic tasks — John's
> actual window-washings and Jack's actual wash-button-pushings.  If so, then
> it seems to me that the little ontology fragment above is wrong and that,
> instead of the second and third lines, they should have:
> • WashWindows is a subclass of Task
> • Instances of WashWindows are done by John
> • PushWashButton is a subclass of Task
> • Instances of PushWashButton are done by Jack
> Or something like that.
>    (06)

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