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[ontolog-forum] Submission deadline extended to Oct. 15: SWAT4LS Semanti

To: <ruleml-all@xxxxxxxxxx>, <obo-phenotype@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <AI-SGES@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <protege-owl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gofriends@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <go@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <obo-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gmod-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Adrian Paschke" <adrian.paschke@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:54:54 +0200
Message-id: <20101012225518.C384D138CD6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The extended deadline for contributions to SWAT4LS is Friday October
15 (papers) and November 1st (posters and demos)    (01)

Accepted papers will be published in Nature precedings. Authors of accepted
contributions to the upcoming edition of SWAT4LS will be additionally
invited to submit an extended and revised version of their contributions for
a special issue in BMC Bioinformatics dedicated to SWAT4LS 2010    (02)

For details on submission, please visit:
http://www.swat4ls.org/2010/call.php    (03)

SWAT4LS is a workshop that provides a venue to present and discuss
benefits and limits of the adoption of Web based information systems
and semantic technologies in life sciences, biomedical informatics and
computational biology. Its third edition will be held in Berlin, Dec.
10th and will feature a one day workshop plus two days of associated
hackathon and tutorials.     (04)

Full details on the workshop can be found at: http://swat4ls.org/2010/    (05)

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  • [ontolog-forum] Submission deadline extended to Oct. 15: SWAT4LS Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences, Adrian Paschke <=