On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 11:54 -0800, Rich Cooper wrote:
> Example: Let the two theories be:
> TrueS(F,x) := <expression1 of terminals x>;
> FalseS(F,x) := <expression2 of terminals x>; (01)
I don't understand what it means to say these are theories. They look
like clauses in a BNF. I suppose a BNF is a sort of theory, but it's a
theory that describes the grammar of a specific language. But the left
sides here look like atomic statements in a first order language, not a
class of expressions. (02)
> So that there are two theories: TrueS(F,x) is the set of Things which are
> believed (with current knowledge) to be in the set F for terminal vector x,
> while FalseS(F,x) is the set of Things which are believed NOT to be in F(x). (03)
How can you possible get that from the above? (04)
-chris (05)
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