John - (01)
On Jan 4, 2010, at 10:56 PM, John F. Sowa wrote: (02)
> Bottom line: Focus on message processing, not on merging KBs. (03)
Interesting. (04)
Particularly in the context of Experian... just take a look at the
physical mail you get. By a show of hands, who got a piece of mail
with either your name misspelled or your address mangled? THAT is
the result of massive efforts to "merge" KBs since when merchant/post
master general John Wanamaker created "advertising mail" in the late
19th century. (05)
So gin up a process very much like telecommunications handshaking...?
- (sender) Hi... I want to send you a message, are you ready?
- (receiver) go ahead
- (sender) I'm sending a list of 28,321 SSNs
- (receiver) what kind of SSN are you sending?
- (sender) I'm using Dictionary XXXX, definition #22
- (receiver) wait [I have to find Dictionary XXXX]... do you mean
"system sequence number"?
- (sender) NO
- terminate (06)
Is that what you have in mind? (07)
- David (08)
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