Joel Bender wrote: (01)
> In reference to building an Ontologist Body of Knowledge, you wrote
> about this as a topic:
> > - Training or skill in general systems theory.
> Could you expand on this a little? What is it about general systems
> theory that you could learn? As I look at this list:
> <>
>And the comment at the top, "...are all explicitly named systems
> theor[ies] and represent an own unique conceptual framework in a
> specific field of science."
>I am wondering what of the general theory they have in common, and are
> there any of those theories that would be particularly pertinent to
> an OBoK? (02)
I am referring to "General Systems Theory," an amalgamated discipline that
draws from mathematics, social science and anthropology, and organization
theory, among others. It originates with Bertalanffy in the 1930s. It took off
around 1950, with work from its early contributors Boulding, Rapoport, and a
few others. (03)
General Systems Theory models large, complex systems. This consists of such
areas as operations research, the early days of cybernetics, dynamical systems,
hierarchy theory, and some fields of systems engineering. I personally think it
also easily can include semiotics and conceptual modeling. It is also a way of
thinking about these things. (04)
A more specific Wikipedia site that the one you reference is here: (05) (06)
There are a number of organizations that are concerned with this subject in one
way or another. The original group is the International Society for the Systems
Sciences, whose home page is at: (07) (08)
Regards, (09)
-- Jeff Schiffel (010)
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