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Re: [ontolog-forum] blogic iswc keynote

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Rob Akscyn" <ra33@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 10:29:52 +1300 (NZDT)
Message-id: <52262.>
John,    (01)

Thanks for another insightful note.    (02)

There was one part I did not understand and thus would benefit from your 
knowledge:    (03)

You said:    (04)

> As an example, the SQL translation of the following query would be
> answered in logarithmic time if the employee relation is indexed on
> the name field:
>    Find John Doe’s department, manager, and salary.
> If there are N employees, the time for the following query is
> proportional to (N log N):
>    Find all employees who earn more than their managers.
> This query would take N
> steps to find the manager and salary of
> each employee.  The (log N)
> factor is needed to find the salary of
> each employee's manager.    (05)

I did not understand why log N time is needed to find the salary of the manager
(if you'd said "(log M) time" where M is the number of managers I would have
been half-way there).    (06)

But if lookup of a N employees' salaries is N steps, and if the entry for their 
were a pointer (i.e., a locator not a name) then I would think getting the 
salary to do the salary-comparison would be 'just another step' (i.e., a total 
of 2N
steps).    (07)

Granted, for pragmatic reasons, databases in general aren't 'compiled' to the 
point of
eliminating all such levels of indirection (I presume) [i.e., we generally have 
search for the manager's salary using his name, and thus having to do that in 
log time].
But how is the number of dollars for an employee's salary (in effect a pointer 
to an
integer: how many cents he/she makes in a year) any different from a
pointer/number/proxy-name for a manager?    (08)

If I need to know the names of the managers I can make that be another step 
(i.e., now
up to 3N steps total) but those names are not needed to answer the query as 
posed.    (09)

*****    (010)

So, Obewan, I await your sage advice! :-)    (011)

*********    (012)

> Even complex queries can be evaluated efficiently if they
> process
> a subset of the database.  Suppose that the complex condition
> in the
> following query takes time proportional to the cube of the
> number of
> entries:
>    For all employees in department C99,
> find [complex condition].
> If a company has 10,000 employees, N3
> would be a trillion. But if there
> are only 20 employees in department
> C99, then 203 is only 8,000.
> In summary, computational
> complexity is important.  But complexity is
> a property of algorithms,
> and only indirectly a property of problems,
> since most problems can
> be solved by different algorithms with different
> complexity.  But The
> language in which a problem is stated has no effect
> on complexity. 
> Reducing the expressive power of a logic does not solve
> any problem
> faster; its only effect is to make some problems impossible
> to
> state.
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